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It is...that...should中should的含义


It is...that...should中should的含义

It is...that...should中should的含义

广州环球雅思资讯 在It is...that...的句型中,常接用should,那个should应该怎样翻译才对?

【解答】在这种句型中用的should,到底是表示一个什么意思,文法家颇有不同的意见,有的说是一种临时的假设语气,不把那事看做事实,而只是当作一个思考上的问题提出而已。至于It is后所接的形容词或名词,那才真正是对那事的判断或批评的表示。例如: It is natural that you should count the days before coming home.(如果你要计算归期,我认为也是当然的。)



It is proper that you should pay for it.(=You ought to pay for it.)(你应当付钱。)

It is necessary that men of this calling should remain single.(干这种职业的人是应该终身不结婚的。)

It is natural that I should dwell rather upon his successes than upon his failures.——Doyle(我自然应当详说他的种种成功,而不说他的种种失败。)

It is not well that there should be a difference among the members of a family.(在一个家庭中发生不同的意见是不好的。)

It is impossible you should need any assistance.——Cowper(你不至于要什么帮助。)

Is it really possible that you should be so careless?——Doyle(你真会这样不当心吗?)

注意:只有在It is impossible...及Is it possible...后面才可以接should或can,若是说It is possible时,后面就要接may了,如:

It was possible that I might spend the night there.——Doyle(我很可能在那里过夜。)

It is impossible that this can be true.(这决不可能是真的。)

Is it possible that he can have forgotten me?(他竟会把我忘记了吗?)


It is strange that he should say so.(他居然会这样说,真是奇怪。)

It is a pity that he should live at such a distance.(他住得那样远,真是一件憾事。)

It is singular that on this particular night he should have been up.——Doyle(在那天晚上他竟会起来是很奇怪的。)

在why及I am surprised,I regret,I am sorry,I wonder等等的后面用的should,也是表“意外”的,例如:

There is no reason why we should not succeed.(我们没有不成功的理由。)

I am surprised that you should not be able to explain it.(你不能解释这个,我很惊异。)

I regret that it should have come to this.(我很遗憾它会变成这个样子。)

以上就是广州环球雅思学校有关于It is...that...should中should的含义的全部内容,更多请关注广州环球雅思相关资讯。


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