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Making a Reservation 预订客房

Reservationist(R): Good afternoon. What can I do for you?


Client (C) : Good afternoon. I’m calling from Beijing Foreign Trade Company. Is it possible for me to have a suite?


R: Certainly, can you give me your name please, sir?


C: West, W-E-S-T.

R: Thank you, Mr. West. But by the way, how long will you stay here?


C: I’ll stay here for quite a long time.


R: I’m glad you will be staying at our hotel for a long time.


C: How much is the suite, please?


R: Your suite is 320 yuan (RMB) per day.


C: Does that include attendance?


R:Three hundred and twenty yuan a day, service included.


C: Meals included?


R: Meals are extra, not included.


C: What services come with that?


R: For three hundred and twenty yuan a day, you will have one bedroom with air-conditioning, a sitting room, a bathroom, a colour TV set, a telephone and a major international newspaper delivered to your room every day.


C: Do I have to pay in advance?


R: Yes, you may pay half of it. The account will be settled later.


C: On which floor is the suite?


R: We have reserved two suites for you to choose. One is on the first floor, the other on the thirteenth floor. Both of them have a bathroom and face to the south.


C: What’s the difference between them?


R: The conditions and the prices are the same. No difference.。


C: Which is quiet? I want a quiet one. I hate noise at night.


R: The one on the thirteenth floor is very quiet. The room number is 1316.


C: I think I’ll take the one on the thirteenth floor.。


R: OK. And your arrival and departure dates?


C: I don’t know, but it could be seventeen to twenty days.


R: Then we can only confirm a room from the 10th to the 27th. I’m afraid we won’t be able to guarantee you the room after the 27th.


C: What if there isn’t any room then?


R: Don’t worry, sir, We can either put you on a waiting list or find you a room in a nearby hotel.


C: Fine, thank you. Good-bye.



Guiding the Guest to Their Rooms 引客进房

Floor Attendant (FA): (Smiling) Good afternoon, sir and madam. Did you have a nice trip? 下午好,先生女士,您们旅途愉快吗?

Mr. Bellow (B): Yes, thanks. 是的,谢谢。

FA: Welcome to the ninth floor. I’m the floor attendant. Just let me know if there is anything I can do for you.


B: Where is Room 908, please? 908房在哪儿呢?

FA: Ah, Mr. and Mrs. Bellow. Would you care to step this way, please? It is along here.


Mrs. Bellow(M):Oh, how do you know our name?


FA: It was on the arrival list for room 908.Here we are. May I have your key, please? Let me open the door for you.


B: Here it is. 在这。

FA (Knocks at the door first, opens it, and precedes the guests into the room and turns on the light) This way, please.(先敲门,然后引领客人进房间并开灯)这边请。

B: Thank you. When will our baggage arrive?


FA: Your suitcases will be here shortly. The bellman is handling them.


B: Very well(Looking around the room.) 非常好(环视房间)

FA: How do you like this room? 您觉得这房间怎么样呢?

M: Oh, it looks comfortable and cozy. We like it very much.


FA: (Drawing the curtains aside) The room is facing south and commands a good view of the Huangpu River.


M: Yes, how lovely it is! 是的,真的很美!

FA:(Handing the room key to Mr. Bellow) Here is your key, Mr. Bellow.(把房间钥匙交给BELLOW先生)这是您的钥匙。


Dialogue A Complaint(处理投诉)

C=Front Office Clerk 前台服务员 G=Guest 客人

C:Good evening, Front Office. Can I help you?晚上好,这里是前台。有什么可以为您效劳?

G:This is Ms. Stevenson, Room 1827. I’ve just checked in and I’m not satisfied with my room. 我是1827房的史蒂文森小姐,刚入住的,我对房间不满意。

C:May I know what’s the matter?请问有什么问题吗?

G:The room is too noisy and my husband was woken up several times by the noise the baggage!I didn’t expect such things would happen in your hotel.房间非常的!我没料到你们酒店会发生这样的事情。

C:I’m sorry to hear that, Ms. Stevenson. I’ll try to arrange another quiet room for you .Please wait a moment.(after a while)。We do apologize for the inconvenience.很抱歉有这种事情,史蒂文森小姐。我立刻为您更换另一件更安静的房间,我们为给您带来的不便道歉。

G:That fine. Thank you.好吧,谢谢您。

C:You’re welcome, Ms. Stevenson. Your new room number is 1728 and here is your room key. My name’s Simon, and if there is anything else I can do for you, please don’t hesitate to call me.不客气,史蒂文森太太。这是为您新更换的房间1728的房卡。我叫西蒙,如果有什么我能效劳的,请尽管给我打电话。

Dialogue B Check out

R:Good morning, sir .can I help you? 早上好先生,有什么可以帮到您?

G:Morning .l would like to check out. 早上好,我想办理退房。

R:Certainly. Can I have your name and room number? 好的!您可以告诉我您的名字和房间号码吗?

G:Thomas Dickson in Room 1218 托马斯.迪克逊 房间号码是1218.

R:A double room for two nights at 800RMB per/night, the meals that you had at the hotel are 250RMB….Here is your bill please check it. 一间双人房住两晚,每晚房费是800元,您在酒店餐厅的消费是250元。。。这是您的账单请您核对一下。

G: Sorry, l am not clear about this item. 不好意思,我对这项消费表示不理解。

R: Oh. This is for the phone calls you made from your room. 这是您从房间内拨打的电话账单。

G: But I didn’t make any calls. 但是我并没有拨打任何电话。

R: Oh, just a moment. l’ll check it . l’m terribly sorry sir .we made a mistake.we will deduct it from you bill right away. 请您稍等一下我查一下。非常抱歉,是我们的失误,我立即从账单中扣除此项收费。

G: It seems correct now .Can I pay by credit card?现在看起来账单是正确的了。

R : Yes, Sir. We will cancel your pre-authorization and charge your bill by Credit Card.好的,先生。我们将会取消您之前刷的预授权再重新收取您的费用。

G: Yes.好的

R : Have a nice day! We hope to see you again!好的!先生。祝您有愉快的一天,我们期待能再次见到您!


Dealing with leaving Procedure办理离店手续

Bell Captain (BC): This is the Bell Captain’s Desk. May I help you?


Guest (G): I’m going to check out soon. Could you pick up my luggage, please? 我要退房了,你能上来拿行李吗?

BC: Certainly, sir. May I have your room number, please?


G: Yes. It’s 2932. 。好的,2932房。

BC: Room 2932.We will send a bellman immediately. Could you wait in your room, please?


Bellman (B): Good morning, sir. I’ve come for your bags.


G: Thank you. Could you take these two suitcases, please? I’ll bring the shoulder bag with me.


B: Certainly, sir. Two suitcases? 好的,两件行李箱是吗?

G: Yes. 是的。

B: Is there anything valuable or breakable in them?


G: No. 没有。

B: This is your claim tag, sir. We will keep your bags at the Bell Captain’s Desk. Could you pick them up there, please?


G: Certainly. 好的。

B: Thank you, sir. 谢谢您。

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