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1. 浏览文章的必要性


2. 结构阅读法

那么雅思文章该怎么读呢?首先,我们来看看雅思权威考官Vanessa Jakeman和Clare McDowell两位老师是怎么说的:

"When you go to university or college you may be overwhelmed by the amount of reading you are expected to do. You will have to do a lot of this reading on your own and you will need to be able to read discriminatingly. This means you will need to have the skills required to focus in on the information that is important to you and to skim through the information that isn't."

按照他们的说法,雅思阅读就是考察学生在读长文章时筛选信息的能力,即read discriminately,知道哪些是重要信息必须细读,哪些是无用的,可以忽略。雅思考题的设计思路不仅是为了测试考生的语言水平,更在于帮助考生培养起一套适合英联邦大学教学观念的学习方法。在英国念文科的同学都会有这样一种共识,那就是一学期要看很多书,写很多essay,有的同学虽然很刻苦,整日地泡在图书馆里做书虫,但还是读不完reading lList中的必读书。再对比周围英国同学,他们不见得比我们刻苦,却很能掉书袋,写出的essay理论功底更深。学习效率的高低正是由阅读方法的差异造成的。中国学生从小接受英语精读教学,咬文嚼字,看书喜欢一页页地细嚼慢咽。


有的同学也许会有这样的疑问,雅思文章题材五花八门,行文艰深晦涩,要看懂都不容易,如何能在几分钟内,梳理出作者的写作思路呢?对于这个问题我们知道,雅思文章的学术性虽然决定了它的深度,但另一方面也决定了相对固定的文章结构。因为学术是严谨的,在形式上它有一套严格的规范(the established academic caliber)。就学术范畴的文章而言,其观点可以犀利独到,但论证必须缜密,所以文章层次结构相比起他体裁是稳定的。换言之,学术文章有点八股文的味道。那么我们就可以利用这点迅速掌握文章结构继而掌握思路了。


1. 略读题目和段落

Title: What do whales feel?

An examination of the functioning of the senses in cetaceans, the group ofmammals comprising whales, dolphins and porpoises.

从对标题的阅读中,我们可以了解到这篇文章要讲的是鲸的感官,the senses of whales.在这里我们可以预测下感官有哪些,同时可以对下面文章的内容进行预测。


Some of the senses that we and other terrestrial mammals take for grantedare either reduced or absent in cetaceans for fail to function well in water.For example, it appears from their brain structure that toothed species areunable to smell. Baleen species, on the other hand, appear to have some relatedbrain structures but it is not known whether these are functional. It has beenspeculated that, as the blowholes evolved and migrated to the top of the head,the neural pathways serving sense of smell may have been nearly all sacrificed.Similarly, although at least some cetaceans have taste buds, the nerves servingthese have degenerated or are rudimentary.

从首句的主干中得出一些感官在退化,消失或者在水中已失去了功用。紧跟在这句话后面的是个for example,说明后面再举些这类型的感官。最后一句以similarly开头,说明即使最后一句也是一个例子,然后是个名词taste buds,说到了味觉,用了degenerated,rudimentary描述这个味觉,rudimentary大多数考生不认识,但degenerated可以根据构词法推出是退化。


The sense of touch has sometimes been described as weak too, but this viewis probably mistaken. Trainers of captive dolphins and small whales often remarkon their animals’ responsiveness to being touched or rubbed, and both captiveand free-ranging cetacean individuals of all species (particularly adults andcalves, or members of the same subgroup) appear to make frequent contact. Thiscontact may help to maintain order within a group, and stroking or touching arepart of the courtship ritual in most species. The area around the blowhole isalso particularly sensitive and captive animals often object strongly to beingtouched there.



The sense of vision is developed to different degrees in different species.Baleen species studied at close quarters underwater-specifically a grey whalecalf in captivity for a year, and free-ranging right whales and humpback whalesstudied and filmed off Argentina and Hawaii-have obviously tracked objects withvision underwater, and they can apparently see moderately well both in water andin air. However, the position of the eyes so restricts and field of vision inbaleen whales that they probably do not have stereoscopic vision.

读首句就可看出这段讲的是视觉。最后一句提到了baleen whales的眼睛位置限制了它们的视觉域,they probably do not havestereoscopic vision.


On the other hand, the position of the eyes in most dolphins and porpoisessuggests that they have stereoscopic vision forward and downward. Eye positionin freshwater dolphins, which often swim on their side or upside down whilefeeding, suggests that what vision they have is stereoscopic forward and upward.By comparison, the bottlenose dolphin has extremely keen vision in water.Judging from the way it watches and tracks airborne flying fish, it canapparently see fairly well through the air-water interface as well. And althoughpreliminary experimental evidence suggests that their in-air vision is poor, theaccuracy with which dolphins leap high to take small fish out of a trainer’shand provides anecdotal evidence to the contrary.

首句有on the other hand表转折,说明要和上段有联系,接着往后看又说到了眼睛的位置,这次说的是most dolphins andporpoises, they are not like the baleen whales, they have stereoscopic visionforward and downward.


Such variation can no doubt be explained with reference to the habitats inwhich individual species have developed. For example, vision is obviously moreuseful to species inhabiting clear open waters than to those living in turbidrivers and flooded plains. The South American boutu and Chinese beiji, forinstance, appear to have very limited vision, and the Indian susus are blind,their eyes reduced to slits that probably allow them to sense only the directionand intensity of light.

首句一读的话会发现一个重要的词汇habitats. 在这句之后又有了for example, 同时看到了vision,说明这段讲vision和habitats的关系。





那么这里的显而易见的名词一般指的是大写的人名地名时间数字百分比甚至一些专有名词等,千万不要划文章标题中的名词,因为那种词向来都是通篇出现次数数不胜数的高频词,更不要谈什么显而易见好辨认了。这里的不易被替换而且尤其指这类的名词主要是要划有实际意义的,比如the description of history这个词组中。环球雅思仍未尽量不要忽略history而划了个自己觉得变了形貌似挺洋气的description,为什么呢?因为description在题目中也许是张这样,等回到文中也许你就再也见不到它第二面了,它会很容易被其它表达解释说明的名词替换掉,此时此刻我脑子里立马蹦出来的就有explanation,expression,interpretation, illustration等等等,你不觉得这些动词变形出来的名词形式也蛮高级吗?但是它们彼此实在太轻易就被替换掉了,所以请切记要选就选不容易被替换的实义名词作定位词。

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