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1. 题干、选项通常都较长,阅读量大,需要考生较快的阅读速度;

2. 选项中干扰信息多,正确答案通常以间接信息出现。


1. 第一遍读题快速浏览所有题干,划出路标词;

2. 第二遍读题仔细阅读选项,比较选项的异同,并划出选项中的核心词汇,即此选项的细节特点,如否定、比较级或比较高级、强调词(如only,all,must,always,too等)、及修饰限定的形容词或副词;

否定词如:如don’t,didn’t,haven’t,haveno,without,lack,there’s no等。如选项中出现这些词,听音时注意原文如有否定词或否定形式出现,此选项为正确选项。

例题解析1:(Cambridge 4 Test 2 Section 2 Question 13)

The international studentsfind the stress especially difficult to deal with because

A. they lack the supportfrom family or friends.

B. they don’t have time tomake friends.

C. they find it difficultto socialize.

解析:在阅读选项时,应注意A选项的lack为否定词汇,即“没有朋友、家人的支持”;B选项也有否定,“没有时间”。在听音时就应注意目标,原文是否有否定,是没有“支持”,还是没有“时间”。录音材料在重读without一词时,考生应注意与本题有关,之后说“social network”,“you know, social contact,family, friends...”。通过否定词without及之后的词确定A选项为答案。(录音:And ofcourse you should cope with all this without your usual social network. Youknow, the social contact, family and friends that you can rely on for help. )

比较级或比较高级在选项中出现如选项They haveto study harder than they did at school,在听音时一定注意原文是否有比较级出现,如只听到study very hard,没有比较,此选项为干扰项。

修饰限定的形容词或副词也是读选项的关键之一。 例题解析2:(Cambridge 4 Test 4 Section 2 Question 13)

The walks offered byTravellite

A. cater for a range ofwalking abilities.

B. are planned by guidesfrom the local area.

C. are for people withgood fitness levels.

解析:A选项有修饰词a range of,C选项有修饰词good,在读选项时,应重点将这些词标注,而不是其后的名词。选项C的fitness levels是干扰的重点,与录音原文文字一致,但起限定作用的形容词good与录音原文中all含义不一致,所以C是错选。正确选项为A选项,arange of指的就是录音原文中的all。(录音:Each day we offer three separate walks catering for all skills andfitness levels.)

3. 听到题干的路标词后,抓住句子的核心词,快速与选项进行对照。如果选项中的核心词汇(即上一点提到的细节词汇)在原文没有对应,此选项往往为干扰项;

4. 有些选项构成明显的对比,往往可以通过它们之间的差异,缩小听音范围。

例题解析3:(Cambridge 5Test 3 Section 2 Question 20)

With regard to theirEnglish, the speaker advises that students to

A. tell their lecturers ifthey have problems understanding.

B. have private Englishlessons when they arrive.

C. practice their spokenEnglish before they arrive.

解析:B、C选项存在明显对比,一个是到英国后加强英语(精品课),一个是来英国前加强英语;关键词分别划在when和before, 来进行区分,同时可以先排除A。(录音:Having saidthat though, I’m afraid the lecturers will make little or no allowance for thepresence of non-native speakers in the audience, so anything you can do toimprove your spoken English, even beyond the pretty high level most of you havealready reached will make your stay with us that bit more fun for you.Someextra practice before you arrive is worth more than, for example, privatelessons afterwards when you won’t really have time.)


1. 选项通常较长,需要考生快速、准确的阅读能力;

2. 正确答案的数量在题目中有规定,考生要注意题干要求。


1. 分析选项的方法与单选题相同;

2. 比较选项,找出结构相似细节不同的选项,这样的选项中往往会有一个是答案;

3. 选项较简单的,录音和选项会有同义替换,不能按照所听即所得的原则选择。

例题解析4(Cambridge 6, Test 4,Section 3)

Questions 28-30

Which THREE topics do thisterm’s study skills workshops cover?

A. An introduction to theInternet

B. How to carry outresearch for a dissertation

C. Making good use of thewhole range of library services

D. Planning a dissertation

E. Standard requirementswhen writing a dissertation

F. Using the Internet whendoing research

G. What books andtechnical resources are available in the library








如剑7 Test 2中的第31-35题

Questions 31-35

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

Left and Right Handedness in Sport

31 Anita first felt the Matthews article was of value when she realised

A how it would help her difficulties with left-handedness.

B the relevance of connections he made with music.

C the impressive size of his research project.

32 Anita feels that the findings on handedness will be of value in

A helping sportspeople identify their weaknesses.

B aiding sportspeople as they plan tactics for each game.

C developing suitable training programmes for sportspeople.

33 Anita feels that most sports coaches

A know nothing about the influence of handedness.

B focus on the wrong aspects of performance.

C underestimate what science has to offer sport.

34 A German study showed there was greater 'mixed handedness' in musicians who

A started playing instruments in early youth.

B play a string instrument such as the violin.

C practise a great deal on their instrument.

35 Studies on ape behaviour show that

A apes which always use the same hand to get food are most successful.

B apes have the same proportion of left- and right-handers as humans.

C more apes are left-handed than right-handed.




My topic is handedness - whether in different sports it is better to be left- or right-sided or whether a more balanced approach is more successful. I'm left-handed myself and I actually didn't see any relevance to my own life when I happened to start reading an article by a sports psychologist called Peter Matthews. He spent the first part of the article talking about handedness in music instead of sport, which I have to say almost put me off from reading further. But what I soon became struck by was the sheer volume of both observation and investigation he had done in many different sports and I felt persuaded that what he had to say would be of real interest. I think Matthews' findings will be beneficial, not so much in...

这边作者先介绍了一下自己的情况,也就是"left-handed",这里和选项A比较相近,但是此时并没有读出题干来,因此我们完全可以排除A这个答案。(根据我们上面提到的顺序原则)接下来,作者提到了"Peter Matthews"这个人,并且提到了music,也就是和B很相近,此时他的态度是"almost put me off",这个和题干中的"of value"矛盾,也就是这个也不是答案。此时我们已经可以很顺利的选到正确答案C了。——将错误的信息全部排除,剩下的就一定是正确的答案。

当然此题可以通过同义词互换做出来,也就是这边标注了答案的地方:"sheer volume"和C选项中的"impressive size"是类似的意思。但是很多同学会发现,这个词比较难听懂。也就无法很快的找到答案了。




Matthews also reports studies of handedness in apes. Apes get a large proportion of their food by 'fishing' ants from ant hills. The studies show that apes, like humans, show handedness - though for them right- and left-handedness is about equal, whereas about 85% of humans are right-handed. Studies showed that apes consistently using the same hand fished out 30% more ants than those varying between the two.

这道题较大的难度不是听出"fished out 30% more ants"是和A选项的"more successful"是同义词互换,而是很多同学会将前面的"right- and left-handedness is about equal"误认为就是B选项的"same proportion of left- and right-handers",而导致选错答案。也就是我们上面刚刚提到的需要排除错误选项即干扰信息。这就是我们所说的做选择题的另外一个思路——剔。









首先我们来看一个例子:例1 剑6 Test 4 Qs 28-30

Which three topics do this term's study skillsworkshops cover?

A An introduction to the Internet

B How to carry out research for a dissertation

C Making good use of the whole range of library services

D Planning a dissertation

E Standard requirements when writing a dissertation

F Using the Internet when doing research

G What books and technical resources are available in the library

思路透析:雅思听力选择题当中的多选题多为5选2或7选3,此题为后者。乍一看此题,有种蒙的感觉,因为选项较多,对于学员的快速阅读能力提出了一定的挑战。但是我们必须要冷静,要潜心发现其中的规律,把雅思考题当成一种游戏,好比是高中学过的合并同类项一样好玩。经过分析我们发现,选项A ,F 都牵扯到Internet,可以归为一类;选项 B,D,E 都与Dissertation有关,归为第二类;选项C,G中都有Library,归为第三类。这样我们就根据一定的特点把选项与干扰项进行了归类,根据类似选项形成互相干扰并且容易得出正确答案的原则,我们可以大胆的预测三类中各出一个正确答案,正好组成此题的最终答案。如此这般的抽丝剥茧能使我们把零零散散的七个选项归为有特点的三大类,从视觉上感觉已经轻松多了,感觉并不是面对七个毫无关联的选项,而是在三类中选三个答案。我们需要做的就是排除同类中的唯一或者最多不超过两个干扰项,写下正确答案而已(就算是要蒙的话,由于每个正确答案的范围已经从原来的七分之一变成了二分之一或者是三分之一,准确率是在不断上升的)。

上一篇:听力雅思题型 下一篇:雅思复习的方法

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