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The only way to improve the safety on the roads is to give much stricter punishments for driving offences. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Traffic has taken the place of cancer and become the main factor in causing death. How to solve this problem is a big headache of government. The usual way is to give strict punishment for driving offence.Personally I think it is one solution, but in no way the only one.

First, we have to admit that, apart from subjective factors, there are objective factors deteriorating road safety. For example, in some third world countries traffic systems are not so developed: roads are narrow and rough. All these make driving extremely difficult and thus increase the unsafe factors in traffic. Or in big metropolitan cities, as the number of traffic vehicles is roaring up recently, the development of road system seems rather slow relatively. It is common to be trapped in traffic jams. When people have to hurry to work, driving offence is unavoidable.

Second, just as the proverb goes, an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure. It is better to prevent driving offence than to give strict punishment for it. There should be more effective measures. For example, the driving test should be standardized and made far more difficult than it is. All drivers shouldtake the test every three years. The age at which people are allowed to drive any vehicle should be raised to at least 21. All advertising stressing power and performance of cars should be banned. The government should distribute more capital in improving the road condition. We should strengthen the people's education of the sense of road safety.

Strict punishment is a neither only nor good way to improve the safety on the roads. Only in the condition that other solutions cannot be exercised should punishment be chosen.



Some people think that the best way to improve road safety is increasing the minimum legal age for driving cars and mobiles. to what extent do you agree or disagree.



考试的时候也没有时间想那么多了,赶紧按照我们的常规套路进入审题,列出素材。首先,肯定这项措施的合理之处。年轻人开车容易出问题。于是我列举了年轻人的“三宗罪”:第一,缺乏责任心(lack the sense of responsibility),所以容易不守交通规则(obey traffic laws);第二,喜欢刺激和冒险(stimulating and adventurous things),所以容易开车超速(drive over the speed limit);第三,喜欢喝酒,所以容易酒驾(drunk driving)。各位亲们不要有意见,我知道你们不是这样的,但是今天题目是这样,所以我只能这样写了,当然得出结论,这项措施是合理的,应该提高开车的年龄限制。

另起一段,反驳,这不是比较好的办法,因为很多事故和年龄无关(irrelevant to age),我们还需要采取其他办法,或者说其他办法更有效。继续举例:有的事故是由老司机造成的(older and sophisticated drivers)。说实话,越是老司机越容易违规,反而是新司机比较守规矩,大家觉得呢?所以我们需要加强道路监控(increase monitoring)和加大惩罚(give strict punishment)。另外,还需要改善道路设施,因为有时候事故是由于交通灯坏了或者标志不清晰造成的(broken traffic lights and unclear signs)。



The high incidence of road accidents has become a serious problem in many cities and there are different solutions i^oposed to tackle this problem. Some people suggest that we should increase the minimum age for driing motor cars. This measure is reasonable, but I would not say it is the best way.

Those supporters may base their suggestion on the fact that a certain percentage of accidents are caused by teenagers. Young people are thcmght to lack the sense of responsibility, so they may not be fully aware of the importance of obeying trafficlaws. Many of them enjoy stimulating and adventurous things, which means they are more likely to diive over the speed limit. Being addicted to alcohol is another common problem in many young people and this may inaease the risk of drunk driving. As people get older, they would become more mature and considerate. Thus,increasing the age limit for driving is considered as an effeaive way to reduce accidents and improve road safety.

However, considering the large number of accidents that are irrelevant tQ age. this measure is not the best and other methods also need to be adopted Accidents can also be caused by older and sophisticated drivers, who violate the traffic law intentionally. Therefore, it is necessan* for the authorities to increase mcmitoring on the road and pve strict punishmoit to Violators Other measures include maintaining road facilities and making the traffic signs dear, as in some cases the accidents axe attributed to broken traffic lights or unclear signs.

Overall, to reduce the number of traffic offences, ih« whole society needs to take multiple measures and setting the age limit for driving is onlv one of manv methods.




Whether stricter punishments is the only way toprevent accidents from happening on roads hastriggered a controversial debate Attitudes towardsthis issue vary greatly. It is wiser to take a closerlook at both sides before I present my opinion.

Advocates firmly believe that it is sensible toimpose stricter penalty on those who break thetraffic rules. Drivers will be more careful when theyconsider the punishment hard to afford. As the fineis not high,it is not deterrent . According to a survey , among the drivers questioned , 65% ofthem admit that they pay more attention to driving if more serious punishments are carried out.

Opponents, however, hold the view that there are other aspects which can decrease thefrequency of accidents. Firstly, road constructions should be more rational. Nowadays, moreand more roads and highways are being built, but some of them were not designedappropriately, which sometimes cause traffic accidents. Secondly, pedestrians should heightentheir safety awareness while crossing the roads . Some pedestrians disobey rules andregulations, which should assume the responsibilities of accidents and be penalized. The lastbut not least, the growing amount of private cars is a contributing factor, the governmentshould put forward some feasible means to control the number of cars ., such as imposinghigher tax or limiting the cars running on roads at rush hours .

As far as I am concerned, I am in favor of the latter view. Only stricter punishment is notinsufficient access to decrease accidents., other methods should be enforced simultaneously, such as reinforcing supervising and setting digital camera on roads.



Some people think the best way to improve road safety is to increase the minimum legal age for driving cars and motorcycles. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



通过提高驾驶者的年龄来提高道路安全可能有效,但并不能确保一定不出事故。年轻司机的缺点1.缺乏责任心(lack the sense of responsibility),所以容易不守交通规则(obey traffic laws);2,喜欢刺激和冒险(stimulating and adventurous things),所以容易开车超速(drive over the speed limit);3,喜欢喝酒,所以容易酒驾(drunk driving)。这一措施的不足1.很多事故和年龄无关(irrelevant to age),我们还需要采取其他办法,或者说其他办法更有效。2.越是老司机越容易违规,反而是新司机比较守规矩,所以需要加强道路监控(increase monitoring)和加大惩罚(give strict punishment)。3,需要改善道路设施,因为有时候事故是由于交通灯坏了或者标志不清晰造成的(broken traffic lights and unclear signs)。

The high incidence of road accidents has become a serious problem in many cities and there are different solutions proposed to tackle this problem. Some people suggest that we should increase the minimum age for driving motor cars. This measure is reasonable, but I would not say it is the best way.

Those supporters may base their suggestion on the fact that a certain percentage of accidents are caused by teenagers. Young people are thought to lack the sense of responsibility, so they may not be fully aware of the importance of obeying traffic lav* s Many of them enjoy stimulating and adventurous things, which means they are more likely to drive over the speed limit. Being addicted to alcohol is another common problem in many young people and this may increase the risk of drunk driving. As people get older, they would become more mature and considerate. Thus, increasing the age limit for driving is considered as an effective way to reduce accidents and improve road safety.

However, considering the large number of accidents that are irrelevant to age this measure is not the best and other methods also need to be adopted Accidents can also be caused by older and sophisticated drivers, who violate the traffic law intentionally. Therefore, it is necessary for the authorities to increase monitoring on the road and give strict punishment to violators Other measures include maintaining road facilities and making the traffic signs clear, as in some cases the accidents are attributed to broken traffic lights or unclear signs.

Overall, to reduce the number of traffic offences, the whole society needs to take multiple measures and setting the age limit for driving is only one of many methods.



It is sometimes argued that increasing the minimum age for unsupervised driving is the optimal way to ensure road safety. While the proposal seems feasible, I believe other solutions should be fully considered as well.

On the one hand, I agree that teenage drivers are more likely to have collisions on the road, compared to drives in other age groups. This is because young driver, especially those who are in adolescence, tend to overestimate their driving abilities and underestimate the dangers on the road. For example, because of behavioural characteristics of youth, adolescents have a weak awareness of safety. They are very likely to drive faster than the speed limit or mimic those dangerous shots shown in the movie, such as drifting, which can lead to car accidents on roads.

Nevertheless, apart from controlling the legal age strictly, I believe that other measures can be taken to prevent deaths and serious injuries. Firstly, the government might set higher standards for testing drivers’ ability to drive and prolong the training time since better prepared drivers and riders can reduce the number of incidents. Besides, a right attitude plays a vital role in ensuring the road safety. For instance, eating, drinking, or talking on the phone while driving should be prohibited as these activities might distract driver’s attention and cause some unexpected consequences. Finally, for those disqualified drivers, who have serious crash record, retest is a must.

In conclusion, although the lowest legal age can prevent some disqualified drivers on the road, other considerations are equally important in tacking this issue.

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