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My Daughter and Special Friend

I want to let you know about a young lady who has made my life super special.

When my three children were eighteen, sixteen, and five years old, their fatherstepped out of their lives after twenty six years of what I had thought was ahappy marriage. My daughter, the middle child, helped me in every possible wayby cleaning, helping with her younger brother, and even assembling his toys atChristmastime. Whenever she saw me looking sad, she always made me laugh and shewould say,“Mom, I love you more, more, more!”

Today, after fifteen years, she is a beautiful lady married to a wonderful sonin law, and the mother of my beautiful granddaughter. She is a professor at oneof the top universities in the country and she just got her PhD. She is thefirst lady doctor in our family. There is not one day when I don't hear fromher, even with her homework and busy schedule. I am so proud of my daughter; shemakes me feel so very special.

I have been a True Story reader for more than thirty years, and my daughterreads True Story, as well—even with all of her reading assignments. I love mydaughter so much. She is my tower of strength and my inspiration to keep ongoing, no matter what life brings me. I want to congratulate her on her PhD andthank her for being my daughter and my friend, and for making my life sospecial. I love her more, more, more!







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