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A: Excuse me. I want to speak to the captain here.

B: Just a moment, Miss.

C: I'm the captain here, Miss. Is there anything I can do for you?

A: Our company is going to hold a farewell dinner for some friends. We'd like to book a dinner here.

C: When would you like to have the dinner?

A: Sunday evening.

C: How many of you will come to the dinner?

A: About eight.

C: Do you prefer Chinese food or Western food?

A: Chinese food.

C: That's OK. How much would you like to pay for each person?

A: Fifty yuan for each person, excluding drinks.

C: Anything special on the menu?

A: Roast duck, and West Lake Vinegar Fish. As for other dishes, I'll leave the choice to you, if you don't mind.

C: With pleasure. How about drinks?

A: A bottle of Wuliangye and ten bottles of Qingdao beer, please.

C: All right.So it's dinner for eight, at fifty each person, excluding drinks, on Sunday evening. Is that right?

A: That's right.Thank you very much.

C: Welcome. Could you tell me your name please,Miss?

A: Li Juan.

C: Thank you, Miss Li. If you want to see what is to be on the menu, please come here or make a call tomorrow afternoon.

A: OK. Thanks. Good bye.

C: Good bye.

A: 劳驾,我想请这里的领班接电话。

B: 请稍等,小姐。

C:我是这里的领导,小姐。 请问有什么可以为您效劳的?

A: 我们的公司要为一些朋友举行告别晚餐。 我们想预定晚餐。


A: 星期天晚上。


A: 大约8个人。


A: 中餐。


A: 每人50元,不包括喝的。


A: 烤鸭和西湖醋鱼。 如果可以的话,关于其他菜,我想让您帮忙选择一下。

C:当然可以。 喝的要什么呢?

A: 1瓶五粮液和10瓶青岛啤酒。

C:好,8点晚餐,50元每个人,不包括喝的,时间是在星期日晚上。 对吗?

A: 对的。非常感谢。


A: 李娟。

C:好的,李小姐。 如果您想要看菜单,请明天下午直接过来或是打电话。

A: 好的。 谢谢。 再见。


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