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A:We would like to ask you some details about this agreement.Have you taken out insurance yet on this shipment?我们想请教您有关这份协议书的一些细节问题。你方是否已经为这批货物投保了?

B:Yes,we talked about it with our underwriter,and think that we should get a policy for With Particular Average,considering our deal is based on CIF clause.Is there anything else you would like to know about?是的,我们跟保险商谈过了。考虑到这笔生意是以到岸价格条件成交的,我们认为应该投保水渍险。还有什么事您想了解的吗?

A:No,not really.I was just wondering if the breakage of goods is included in this WPA or not.You know this consignment is easy to be broken.没事。我只是在想货物的破碎是否也包括在水渍险中。您知道这批货是容易破碎的。

B:In fact,not every breakage is included in this WPA.It is included in the WPA when the breakage results from natural calamities and maritime accidents,such as stranding and sinking of the carrying vessel,or is attributable to fire,explosion or collision.Or else it belongs to the Risk of Breakage.We could add this item if you wish.事实上,并非所有的破碎险都包括在水渍险中。只有因自然灾害及海上意外事故,如货船搁浅、沉没,或由于着火、爆炸或碰撞所引起的破碎才属于水渍险的范围。否则,就属破碎险。如果你方愿意,我们就加上这一条。

A:But that s an additional risk item,isn t it?但那就属于附加险,对吗?

B:Yes.And the buyer is usually required to bear the cost for the additional risk coverage.对,并且通常都要由买方承担附加险的费用。

A:I see.What if we change to “All Risks”?Do we still have to pay extra for the Risk of Breakage?我明白了。如果我们换成“综合险”呢?还要求我们负担破碎险的额外费用吗?

B:No,you don t have to.The insurance of All Risks has that item under coverage already.However,all you need to do is to pay a little higher premium rate.那就不必了。破碎险已包含在综合险的投保范围之内。然而,您所需要做的不过是支付稍高一点的保险费率。

A:That really doesn t matter.The value of the goods is just too high.If we lose them our company will lose a lot of money,and may have to close.So the safety of the goods is all that counts.那倒没有关系。这批货物价值不菲,如果造成损失,公司会亏损很多钱,还有可能因此倒闭呢!所以货物的安全是非常重要的。

B:Oh,yes,absolutely.I ll have your insurance changed from WPA to All Risks for 110% of CIF invoice value as per the ocean marine cargo clauses of the PICC.噢,是的,这绝对重要。我会将水渍险改成综合险,根据中国人民保险公司海洋货物运输条例,按到岸价发票总值的110%进行投保。

A:Very good.Another thing,what about the scope of the insurance coverage?I mean,where does it start and where does it end?很好。另外,保险责任范围是怎样界定的呢?我的意思是从哪里算起,又从哪里结束?

B:We adopt the WarehousetoWarehouse Clause which is commonly used in international insurance.In other words,the coverage is in effect when the cargo has left the consigner s warehouse and all the way through transit to the consignee s warehouse.我们采用国际保险中惯用的货仓到货仓的责任条款。也就是说,当货物离开发货人的仓库时,投保即开始生效,直至运输全程结束并当货物抵达收货人的仓库时为止。

A:I see.Thank you for your cooperation.明白了。谢谢您的合作。

B:It s my pleasure.别客气。

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