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索赔(claim) 就是受到损失的一方当事人向违约的一方当事人提出损害赔偿的要求,相对而言,违约的一方受理另一方的索赔要求,即称为理赔(stlement)。下面小编为大家整理的商务英语索赔对话,希望对大家有用!


A:I ve studied your survey report and other relevant documentations concerning this ketchup deal, particularly the contract. If you don t mind, I d like to remind you of its claim clause.我仔细研究了你方关于番茄酱的检验报告和有关文件,尤其是合同。如果您不介意的话,我要提醒您合同中的索赔条款。

B:Of course not. Go ahead, please.当然不,请吧。

A:In the contract it s clearly put down that claims, if any, must be filed together with the evidence within 30 days after the arrival of the goods at the destination. The goods reached you in July, you d have lodged claim in August at the latest. Now, we are in October. To be strict, we have every reason to turn down the claim case.合同中明确规定:索赔须在货到后30天之内提出,并附确凿的证据。货物于七月到达你处,索赔最迟也应在八月提出。而现在已是十月份。从严格意义上说,我们完全有理由不受理你方索赔。

B:What you ve talked about is not beyond my expectation. It s true that we stored up the goods in the warehouse since it was the slack season and the market was weak when they arrived. It was not until September that the cases were sold and opened by our customers, who discovered the blown tins. Another fact is that the expiry date is September, 2008. If the goods were of good quality, they couldn t deteriorate almost one year in advance.您刚才谈的,均在意料之中。我必须承认,货物到达以后,由于市场疲软,且又是淡季,我们把货物存在仓库里。直到九月份货品才售出,我们的客户打开之后发现膨听。另外,番茄酱的保质期应该到2008年9月份。如果货品质量好,也不能提前一年就变质吧。

A:Mr. Rajiadi, it seems to me that both of us should be held responsible for our own faults. We suppliers should guarantee the product quality. However, you should also honor the contract. Well, I have a proposal to make, which I believe will have the case settled to our mutual satisfaction.拉贾迪先生,我认为我们双方均有责任。我们供货方应该保证货品的质量。而你方也应遵守合同的规定。好,对于如何解决该项争议,我来提个建议,相信双方都能满意。

B:What is it?什么建议?

A:The total value of the goods should be reduced by 40% and we ll give you an allowance by way of credit for the amount to be set against your future purchases of the same products from us. I think it s fair and reasonable.给您总体降价40%。 支付方法是:从您将来订购同样货品的付款中扣除。这样既公平又合理。

B:40% of reduction? It s too modest. At least 60%. I didn t ask you to compensate our entire loss.减40%?太少了,较低也得减60%。 我还没让您赔偿我们全部损失呢。

A:Well, how about 50%, half to half?好吧,50%吧。各让一半。

B:Well, I m afraid I have to accept it, Mr. Zhou.好吧,只能如此了。

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