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A: Our quality process and procedure needs review. There's a persnickety creep up in our margin of error. Our customers know us for our quality. In the past,with quality control,our reputation spoke for itself. But if the quality of our products continues to plummet,then our brand is ruined! All of the investment we have put into branding and brand development will have been for naught!

B: That's right. Our slogan,after all is,“If you put your trust in our quality, you won't be disappointed. ”But lately,with the problems we've been having in quality assurance and control,we're disappointing our customers with shoddy product.

A: I just don't get it. We meet and exceed all the applicable safety regulations. The production in our factories uses only the highest quality materials. I don't know where the glitch in our system is. Why all the sudden such poor quality products coming off the assembly lines.

B: We haven't made any changes in the way we've done our production, but the result is an increase in substandard products. I haven't got a clue what's causing the trouble either. Maybe we should call in for a quality improvement consultant to help us out.

A: That's not such a bad idea. We need to review our quality assurance and control and seek for ways of quality improvement. If we can't figure it out ourselves,maybe we do need a quality improvement expert.






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