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A:I think that the bank should undertake more important duty in the era of the information.在信息时代,我觉得银行应该承担更重要的责任。

B:Yes.As a medium of payment,the bank plays a decisive part in the era of the information.对。在信息时代中,作为支付中介,银行扮演着举足轻重的角色。

A:What services can the E bank offer?网上银行能提供哪些业务服务?

B:It can offer prompt enquiry,handle the common transactions and complete a business transaction for both the parties online.它提供即时资讯,办理一般交易和为在线的买卖双方办理交易手续。

A:How can we enjoy the E bank service?怎样才能享受到网上银行服务?

B:First you should apply for opening an account with the bank.首先得在银行申请开户手续。

A:Can we apply online?从网上也能申请开户吗?

B:Yes,you can.Nowadays most of the E commerce Web sites introduce the approach to applying for joining in the E bank.可以。目前很多电子商务站点上都介绍了网上申请加入网上银行的方法。

A:Which banks can we join in?都可以加入哪些银行?

B:You can join in Bank of China,China Merchants Bank,Industrial and Commercial Bank of China and China Construction Bank and so on.中国银行、招商银行、中国工商银行、中国建设银行等都可以。

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