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A: Have you been to Tianjin before?

A: 你来过天津吗?

B: No, this is my first visit. I came here with a tourist delegation in 1964.

B: 没有,这是我第一次来。1964年我随旅行团来过。

A: Tianjin is a port city. Tianjin has a population of 7million.

A: 天津是一个通商口岸城市,人口超过700万。

B: What s the weather like today?

B: 今天天气如何?

A: What a hot day today! What s the temperature today?

A: 今天天气真热,今天气温多高?

B: The highest temperature today is 34degrees centigrade. It was cooler last night.What will the weather be like tomorrow?

B: 比较高气温34摄氏度。昨天晚上比较凉快。明天不知道是什么天气?

A: Tomorrow will still be sunny, according to the weather forecast. Are you used to such hot weather?

A: 据天气预报报道,明天还是晴天。你习惯这样热的天气吗?

B: I ll get used to it, I think.

B: 我想我很快就会习惯的。

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