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A: Why does Zoe earn such a lot of money?

A: 佐伊为什么挣了那么多钱?

B: She s very experienced with investment in stocks.

B: 她在股票投资方面很有经验。

A: I hear you are well informed about investing stocks, too.

A: 听说你对投资股票也很在行。

B: You re just flattering me.

B: 你过奖了。

A: Stocks are completely strange to me, can you recommend me a few good stocks?

A: 我对股票一窍不通,你能给我推荐几支好的股票吗?

B: It s hard to say, but you must remember that the higher the profit is, the higher the risk is.

B: 这很难说,不过你应当记住利润越高风险越大。

A: Greed is the enemy in investing stocks, isn t it?

A: 贪婪是投资股票的大敌,是不是?

B: Yes, you re right. You must earn more money, too.

B: 对的,你一定也能挣许多钱。

A: Thanks to say so.

A: 谢谢你的吉言。

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