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A: Excuse me, Madam. Could you tell me how to go to the London Tower, please?

A: 夫人您好!请问您能告诉我怎样去伦敦塔吗?

B: Of course. You d better take the bus. Go and get on bus No.115at that bus stop.

B: 当然,你比较好去乘公交车。去那个公交站坐115路公交车就可以了。

A: How long will it take?

A: 要多长时间呢?

B: About 10minutes. There are only four stops.

B: 大约十分钟。只有四站路。

A: Thanks very much.

A: 非常感谢!

B: You re welcome.

B: 不客气。


A: Excuse me, sir. Could you please tell me how to get to the Central Park?

A: 打扰一下,先生,请问你能告诉我怎样去中央公园吗?

B: Well, I am new here myself, too. You d better ask the policeman over there.

B: 哦,我对这儿也不熟。你比较好去问那边的那个警察。

A: Thanks all the same.

A: 非常感谢!


A: Is there a bus to the underground station?

A: 有到地铁站的公共汽车吗?

B: Sorry, I m a stranger here myself. There s sure to be. But you d better ask the policeman over there. He ll give you all the information you want.

B: 对不起,我自己也是第一次来,肯定有公共汽车,但你比较好问那边的警察,他会告诉你的。

A: Yes. Thanks.

A: 好,谢谢你!

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