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A: Jane, you look bushed. Didn t you get a good night s sleep?

A: 简,你看上去很疲倦。昨晚没睡好吗?

B: No. John kept me awake all last night.

B: 不是,约翰弄得我整晚没睡。

A: Oh!?

A: 哦!?

B: I don t know why. John rarely snores, but last night he really started sawing some logs! And it wasn t just any snore. It was more like a herd of elephants running through the room.

B: 我不知道为什么。约翰很少打鼾, 但昨晚他就像是在锯木头一样!不像一般的打鼾。就像一群大象在房间跑。

A: My grandpa used to do the same thing. Sometimes he would even wake himself up. He snored so loud! I always thought it was funny.

A: 我爷爷有时候也像这样。有时候都把自己吵醒了。他打鼾的声音也很大!我总觉得挺奇怪。

B: Well, I m certainly not laughing about John. I don t think I can take another night like that again.

B: 我不是在嘲笑约翰。我想我再也不能忍受了。

A: Have you considered buying some earplugs?

A: 你想过买耳塞吗?

B: You bet! In fact, I m going to buy some at lunch!

B: 你说得对!事实上我正打算午饭时候去买。

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