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A: What happened to you this morning? Why are you so late?

A: 今早你是怎么了? 为什么这么晚?

B: I overslept today. I didn t know that my clock was broken and it didn t work this morning.

B: 今天我睡过头了。我不知道我的闹钟是坏的,今早它没有响。

A: It was broken again?

A: 又坏了吗?

B: You are right. I was so stupid that when I set the alarm last night,I didn t know that it didn t work at all.

B: 是啊。昨晚我设闹钟真傻,我根本不知道它坏了。

A: Why does your clock never work? You should have bought a new one.

A: 为什么你的闹钟总是坏的? 你应该买个新的。

B: Well, I should have, and I have to get up early the day after tomorrow, so I have to buy it tomorrow.

B: 是的, 我应该买的, 后天我得起早,明天就得去买了。

A: Perhaps by then it will be too late.

A: 到那个时候或许有点迟了。

B: What do you mean by “too late”?

B: 你说什么意思“太迟了”?

A: I mean by that time it would be too late.

A: 我是说到那个时候去买闹钟太晚了。

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