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A: David, do you like to go out eating?

A: 大卫,想不想出去吃饭呢?

B: Good idea.

B: 好主意。

A: What are you in the mood for?

A: 你想吃什么?

B: I have no idea now.

B: 我现在想不出来。

A: There is a Western buffet over there,do you like it?

A: 那里有一家西餐厅,喜欢吗?

B: OK. Let s go in.

B: 好,我们去看看。


A: This new restaurant is really good. Let s sit near the window.

A: 这个新开的餐馆真是不错。我们坐窗户旁边吧。

B: Welcome David s restaurant! Are you ready to order or just a minute, please?

B: 欢迎光临大卫餐厅!你们是现在点菜还是过会再点?

A: Wait a few more minutes, please.

A: 请稍等会。

B: OK. I ll be back.

B: 好,我过会再来。

A: What would you like to eat?

A: 你想吃什么?

C: I would like iced tea, fresh vegetable salad, and cold mixed meat. What about you?

C: 我要冰茶,鲜蔬菜沙拉,再来一个什锦冷肉。你呢?

A: I will have coke, shrimp salad, and cold roast fillet.

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