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A: Can I help you, sir?有什么需要帮忙吗,先生?

T: Yes, I feel very uncomfortable.是的,我感到很不舒服。

A: Are you feeling sick or having a headache?您是感到恶心还是头痛?

T: I just feel that my stomach is rolling.我感觉好像我的胃在翻滚一样。

A: Is this your first time to take a flight?这是您第一次乘飞机吗?

T: Yes, it is.是的。

A: I'm afraid you are probably a little airsick.我恐怕您有点晕机。

T: Oh, really? I don't have seasickness and carsickness, so I didn't think that I would have airsickness.哦,真的吗,我不晕车也不晕船,所以之前没觉得我会晕机。

A: It's different. Many people who don't have seasickness and carsickness have airsickness. It's common.这是不同的。许多人不晕车不晕船,但是晕机,这是很常见的。

T: So what should I do?所以我要怎么办呢?

A: Don't worry, sir. We have pills for airsickness. I'll bring it right now.先生,不用担心,机上有晕机药,我现在就去拿来。

T: That's great. Thank you so much.太好了,谢谢你。

A: You are welcome. And you'd better not look out of the window. When you feel hungry, you can eat something but not too much, other wise your airsickness will get worse.不客气,还有,您比较好不要往窗户外面看。如果您饿了,可以吃点东西,但不可以吃太多,不然,晕机会更严重的。

T: I see. Thank you. You are very thoughtful.我知道了,谢谢你。你的服务很周到。

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