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A:Operator. How can I help you?我是接线员,有什么可以帮您?

B:Yes. The connection was bad.There was a lot of echo and I couldn't hear well, will you put me through again?你好,线路不是很好,有回音,我听不太清楚,你能帮我再接一遍吗?

A:I'm awfully sorry for the trouble. I'll connect you again.实在抱歉。我帮您再接一遍。(A few minutes later.)(几分钟后。)

B:Operator. I've just been disconnected from a number.接线员,我被别的电话打断了。

A:I'm sorry, sir. Could you speak a little louder, please?There's a bad con-nection.不好意思先生。请您声音再大一些,我这里连接不是很好。

B:Yes. I've just been disconnected from a number, and now there's no answer.Could you tell me if there's something wrong with my phone?我刚刚被别的电话打断了,现在听不到任何声音。请问是我的电话有问题吗?

A:What number were you speaking to, sir?请问您拨打的电话是多少先生?

B:2743-1120. 2743-1120.

A:Oh,2743-1120. I doubt if it's your phone.We've being a lot of trouble in that area today.There may be a fault on line.2743-1120,可能不是您电话的问题。今天那个区域的线路有一些问题,连接可能出了问题。

B:Oh, I see.我明白了。

A:I'll tell our engineers about it. Please tell me your name and number, I'll call you back soon.我会上报工程师的,请问您的电话及姓名是?我一会儿打给您。

B:My name's Lin Ping and my number's 3512-6762.我叫林苹,电话是3512-6762。

(About ten minutes later.)(十分钟后。)

A:(ringing)Hello, is that 3512-6762?您好,请问是3512-6762吗?

B:Yes, it is.是的。

A:Mr. Lin.We've checked that line, there was a mini fault on it.The number's ringing for you now.It should be all right this time.林先生,我们检查了线路。确实有一些小问题。您的电话响了,现在应该没什么问题了。

B:Thank you very much.非常感谢。

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