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A:Why do you look so gloomy?What are you looking for?为什么你看起来那么沮丧?你在找什么?

B:My dissertation. I put it somewhere last night, and I can't find it now.我的学位论文。我昨晚把它放在某个地方,但是现在找不到了。

A:Did you finish typing it yesterday?你是昨天打印好论文的吗?

B:Yes, I kept on typing until midnight, but it's lost.是的。我直到午夜才打好,但却不见了。

A:Don't worry about it. It must be somewhere in your room.Let's see where you put it.Have you searched your drawers and the desk?别担心。它一定在你房间的某个地方。让我们来想想你把它放在哪里了。抽屉和桌子你都找了吗?

B:Yes, but there's nothing inside the drawers or on the desk.是的,但是抽屉里和桌子上什么都没有。

A:How about the shelf?架子呢?

B:I've searched everywhere. Where on earth did I put it?我到处都找遍了。我究竟把它放在哪里?

A:Don't get upset over it. At least you have another week to go.别心烦。至少你还有一个星期的时间。

B:I've been working on it for a whole month and it's too late to write another. Just think of all my hard work that goes for nothing.How could I do such a thing?我写这篇论文已经写了整个月了,再写一篇太迟了。我所有的努力都付之东流了。我怎么会做出这样的事呢?

A:Cheer up. What I meant was that you can find it sometime during the week.There's no need to write a new one.Oh, what's this?Is this your dissertation?振作起来。我的意思是说不定你可以在这个星期的某个时候找到它。没有必要重写一篇。噢,这是什么?这是你的论文吗?

B:Let me see. Yes, that's it.Where did you find it?让我看看。是的,就是它。你在哪里找到的?

A:You put it among these journals.你把它夹在这些期刊里了。

B:My poor memory. Thank you very much!我的记性真差。非常感谢你!

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