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Patrick:I'd like to buy a bottle of Centrum, a dozen tooth brushes, some baby's wipes, and a small bottle of aspirin.我想买一瓶善存片,一打牙刷,一些婴儿湿巾和一小瓶阿司匹林。

Clerk:Centrum?We have bottles of thirty and one hundred tablets. Which kind do you want?善存片?我们有30片装和100片装的。你要哪种?

Patrick:Give me one bottle of one hundred tablets.给我一瓶100片装的。

Clerk:And what kind of toothbrushes would you like?那你要哪种牙刷?

Patrick:Can I have a look at them?我可以看一下吗?

Clerk:Sure. This brand is supposed to be very good, but they're expensive.Those are new products. They come in several colors and sizes.There is also hard, soft, and medium.当然可以。这个牌子不错,但是贵了些。那些是新产品。他们有多种颜色和型号。也有硬毛,软毛和软硬适中之分。

Patrick:Are they cheaper?它们便宜吗?

Clerk:This one is 10%off. That one has no reduction, but you can get a free tube of toothpaste with six toothbrushes.这种打九折。那种不减价,但是你买六支牙刷可以免费送一支牙膏。

Patrick:So if I buy a dozen, I'll get two free tubes of toothpaste?所以如果我买一打,我就能免费获得两支牙膏?

Clerk:That's right.没错。

Patrick:Good. I'll take a dozen of them then.好。那么我要一打。

Clerk:And here is your aspirin. What else did you say you want?这是你的阿司匹林。你说你还要什么?

Patrick:Baby's wipes. Johnson's.婴儿湿巾。强生的。

Clerk:Anything else?还要其他的吗?

Patrick:Well, actually I'd like to buy some vitamins for my son. He's five months old. Can you suggest any?额,事实上我想买一些维生素给我的儿子。他5个月大。你可以给些建议吗?

Clerk:Sure. Here you are.This one is excellent.Just mix one drop of it with milk.当然可以。给你看看这个。这种很好。只要在牛奶里加入一滴就行了。

Patrick:Thanks. That'll be all.谢谢。就是这些了。

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