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James Marshall “Jimi” Hendrix was an American guitarist and singer-songwriter. He is widely considered to be the greatest electric guitarist in musical history, and one of the most influential musicians of his era across a range of genres.

After initial success in Europe with his group, he achieved fame in the United States following his 1967 performance at the Monterey Pop Festival. Later, Hendrix headlined the iconic 1969 Woodstock Festival and the 1970 Isle of Wight Festival. He often favored raw overdriven amplifiers with high gain and treble and helped develop the previously undesirable technique of guitar amplifier feedback. Hendrix, as well as his friend Eric Clapton, popularized use of the wah-wah pedal in mainstream rock which he often used to deliver an exaggerated pitch in his solos, particularly with high bends, complex guitar playing, and use of legato. As a record producer, Hendrix also broke new ground in using the recording studio as an extension of his musical ideas. He was one of the first to experiment with stereophonic phasing effects for rock recording.

Hendrix was influenced by blues artists such as B.B. King, Muddy Waters, Howlin’Wolf, Albert King and Elmore James, rhythm and blues and soul guitarists Curtis Mayfield and Steve Cropper, and the jazz guitarist Wes Montgomery. Hendrix (who was then known as “Maurice James)” began dressing and wearing a moustache like Little Richard when he performed and recorded in his band from March 1, 1964 through to the spring of 1965. In 1966, Hendrix stated, “I want to do with my guitar what Little Richard does with his voice.”

Hendrix won many of the most prestigious rock music awards in his lifetime, and has been posthumously awarded many more, including being inducted into the US Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1992 and the UK Music Hall of Fame in 2005. An English Heritage blue plaque was erected in his name on his former residence at Brook Street, London, in September 1997. A star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame (at 6627 Hollywood Blvd.) was dedicated in 1994. In 2006, his debut US album, Are You Experienced, was inducted into the United States National Recording Registry, and Rolling Stone named Hendrix the top guitarist on its list of the 100 greatest guitarists of all-time in 2003. He was the first person inducted into the Native American Music Hall of Fame.

亨德里克斯的吉他技巧完全是自学,因为是左撇子,他把一把右手吉他的琴弦颠倒安装用来左手演奏。作为一名吉他手,他受到了众多和节奏布鲁斯的吉他前辈的影响,并在这些基础上做出了伟大的革新。影响他的音乐家包括布鲁斯吉他大师比比金(B.B.King),Albert King,Buddy Guy,T-Bone Walker,Muddy Waters,以及对R&B和灵魂乐做出过卓越贡献的Curtis Mayfield。爵士乐也对亨德里克斯产生了很深的影响,他经常说他个人最喜欢的音乐家是Rahsaan Roland Kirk。

另外,亨德里克斯创造性地发展了传统摇滚吉他的演奏技巧,尽管在他之前的一些艺术家,比如The Kinks,Dave Davies和谁(The Who)乐队的Pete Townshend已经把回授(feedback),破音(distorsion)等效果运用于那些急速独奏上,亨德里克斯是第一位把这些效果作为其作品的整体表现手法的吉他手。作为一个录音室制作人,亨德里克斯是第一位将录音室效果处理作为表现其音乐理念的摇滚乐手。明显的,他是那些最初尝试在录音过程中添加立体声效果的音乐家之一。

同时,亨德里克斯也是一个老练的作曲人,他的作品在其生前和死后被无数的音乐人重新诠释过。最终他作为吉他之神的地位远远超出了同时期的小理查(Little Richard)、查克·贝利(Chuck Berry)甚至是他的第一个偶像猫王以及伟大的披头士乐队。

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