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Mather: Why don't you start by being honest with me? At least start that way.What was the nature of your friendship?

Michael: When I was young I had an affair with Hanna.

Mather: I'm not sure I can help you,Mr.Berg.Or rather,even if I could I'm not willing to.

Michael: I was almost sixteen when I took up with her.The affair only lasted a summer,but...

Mather: But what? I see.And did Hanna Schmitz acknowledge the effect she'd had on your life?

Michael: She'd done much worse to other people.I've never told anyone.

Mather: People ask all the time what I learned in the camps.But the camps weren't therapy.What do you think these places were? Universities? We didn't go there to learn.One becomes very clear about these things.What are you asking for? Forgiveness for her? Or do you just want to feel better yourself?My advice,go to the theatre,if you want catharsis,please.Go to literature.Don't go to the camps.Nothing comes out of the camps.Nothing.

Michael: What she wanted...What she wanted was to leave you her money.I have it with me.

Mather: To do what?

Michael: As you think fit.Here.

玛瑟: 你干吗就不坦白一点呢?至少开头就对我坦白,你们之间到底是何种关系?

米高: 当时我很年轻,我和汉娜相爱了。

玛瑟: 我觉得我帮不了你,伯格先生。而且就算我可以,我也不想帮你。

米高: 差不多16岁时,我和她在一起。那段感情仅仅持续了一个夏天。不过……

玛瑟: 不过什么?我懂了,汉娜·施密茨认识到她给你人生造成的影响了吗?

米高: 至少比她对其他人的影响要好得多,我从没跟任何人说过。

玛瑟: 人们总问我,我在集中营里学到了什么。但集中营又不是疗养所,你以为那是些什么地方,大学吗?我们可不是去那里学习的,这一点我非常清楚。你是想要我怎么样,原谅她吗?或者只是想让自己好受些?我的建议是想宣泄感情就到剧院里去,或者去读文学作品,别去集中营。在集中营里什么都得不到,什么都得不到。

米高: 她想要的……她想要的是把她的钱留给你。我带过来了。


米高: 由你决定,给你。

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