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After many years in our houses we were moving to a condominium, and our beautiful old mahogany table would be too big for the new dining-room.The table was special to me, and I hated the thought of giving it up, but I finally accepted the fact that it had to go.

My husband assumed the responsibility of selling it.One night he told me he had a buyer.I disliked her as soon as he described her as“very young”and“very sweet”.I liked her even less when he told me he'd lowered our asking price a little because that was all she could afford.

I didn't want this young woman to have my table.I wanted it to go to someone older who would appreciate it.To anyone who'd listen, I ranted, “She probably doesn't know the difference between mahogany and plywood.She's just an airhead looking for a table, any table.Probably her check will bounce.”

She promised to call me before coming to pick up the table.A few days later I arrived home with my car full of groceries, and saw a pickup truck at the curb and strangers on the lawn.I was put out.I had planned to be cool, serene and in command when I met her, not hot, disheveled and hauling groceries.My only happy thought was that she had not kept her word about calling; that proved I was right in labeling her immature.

She was friendly and gracious as she introduced me to her husband, young daughter and brother-in-law.They cheerfully insisted on helping me carry in the groceries.They were being so nice, and I was finding it hard to be civil.

When the men discussed how to move the table without scratching it, I put on a smile and a condescending air and proceeded to tell the young woman how valuable the table was and how fortunate she was to get it.My message was obvious:I was looking down my nose at her.

She heard me out, then quietly told me how long they had been saving for a dining-room table.Not just any table, but something durable and beautiful they could use and love for a lifetime, a focal point for gatherings of family and friends, a source of happy memories their daughter could carry with her when she left to establish her own home.She said she had always dreamed of owning a table like ours, and that she would cherish it as I had.

As she talked I realized she could see right through me.She knew I was hurting because I was giving up something that had been a part of my life for many years.She was being kind and sensitive and overlooking the fact that I was acting like a snob.

It was almost funny.I had planned to play the role of a mature, grand lady, but at the moment she was far more mature and grand than I.With that realization, my hostility disappeared and I accepted the fact that It was time for the table to move along.I needed energy and activity—voices, laughter, elbows, cookie crumbs, milk, coffee cups and wine glasses—things we could no longer provide.

As I watched the table go out the front door, my eyes filled with tears.I listened to the sounds of the past—my mother laughing as she tried to blow out the candles on her last birthday cake, my son singing softly and playing his guitar while I drank my coffee, our daughter explaining to her father why she wanted to move out to live in an apartment, candlelit discussions with beloved friends.Around that table for dinner, we talked about religion, politics, sex, civil rights, the Vietnam War, curfews, where to go to college, wedding plans. We had laughter, tears, big fights, little arguments.The table shared it all.

I grew up around a dining-room table, and I wanted the same experience for my children.Now this sweet young buyer wanted it for her daughter, and I found I liked her for it.

I watched them place the table lovingly in the back of the pickup truck and drive away.Then I walked through the empty dining room into the kitchen to start dinner, and a new chapter in my life.














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