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The drawing depicts a boy who has just finished doing the housework that is supposed to be the daily task of his mother. Sweating and tired, the boy cannot help exclaiming that it is really not easy to be a mother. Meanwhile, his parents are observing him secretly behind the door, their smiles revealing content.

Such a scenario is particularly worth praising against the social background of a generation that is greatly spoiled. Other than the boy in this picture, many children do not know how to wash clothes, clean rooms or manage personal affairs, because they are deprived of the chances of labor whenever at home. Nevertheless, I do not think that housework is a waste of time or with negative influence on children. On the contrary, it helps enhance their understanding of how hard their parents are striving to provide them with a good life. As a result,it will surely lead to a closer psychological bond between parents and children.

We may safely arrive at the conclusion that role exchange among family members is influential in granting children a well-rounded cultivation. Moreover, I strongly recommend that parents allow their children a proportional responsibility of housework and family decisions, thus better preparing children for a brighter future.





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