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1. Carsickness


2. Coincidence

巧遇。在一个国际航班上偶遇老友,哪有这么巧合的事情,what a crazy coincedence。

3. Banish us from the seat


4. 人生三大喜事


5. Wheels


6. An emotional attachment

情感依恋。阅历无数的Timour印象最深刻的地方是四川: 美食(always 辣的),熊猫,九寨沟和美女。

7. Out of your comfort zone


8. Quite a feat


9. Interact with locals a lot more


10. Experiencing a country takes a long time



When taking a trip, do you take lots of pictures?

Sample Answer

When I travel, as I said before, the most important thing for me isto get an understanding of the country, rather than going to the touristattractions. I mean, the tourist attractions are usually the last thing I do.It’s usually the place where you take pictures in front of the Eiffel Tower orin front of Le Louvre. But, I always try to keep some form of trail of what Ido. So that, when I look back at it, I remember. Yes, I do tend to takepictures. It’s a nice way to remember the people that you met there. The timesyou had. The fun you had. For example, I just came back from China and Iuploaded my pictures the other day. Looking at them made me, at the same time,quite sad because I wasn’t there anymore, but happy because it brought back alot of good memories. So, yes, I do try and take pictures


Describe an unusual experience you had. What did you do to avoid being nervous?

Sample Response

One of the scariest experiences I have had is going rock climbing with my friend. It was hard not to be nervous when I was high in the air holding onto the side of a cliff. I conquered my fear by listening to my friend’s advice and paying attention to my senses.

First, I focused on my friend's voice. He was an experienced climber so gave good advice, such as telling me where to put my hands and feet. He was encouraging and helpful, so I knew that I was not alone.

Second, I controlled my fear by concentrating on the rocks and rope. The rock was rough and slightly warm under my hands. The breeze against my face was cool and smelled sweet. I could taste my own sweat. I felt calmer when I touched and looked at things around me.

When I paid attention to my senses and listened to my friend's advice, I was not as scared about rock climbing.


Describe a happy event

Describe a family event

Describe a piece of good family news

Describe a success in your life

Describe an important decision in your life

Describe a positive change in your life

Describe a special meal

Describe a party

Describe a birthday celebration

Describe a wedding

Describe an exciting trip

Describe a visit

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