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关于肉类:pork(猪肉)、lamb(羊肉)、beef(牛肉)、fish fillet(鱼肉)、steak(牛排)、chicken(鸡肉)

关于豆类:Toufu/bean curd(豆腐)、bean curd sheets(百叶)

关于烹饪方法:steam(蒸),例如:steamed eggs(蒸鸡蛋) braised(红烧),例如:braised pork(红烧肉) stir fried(炒),例如:stir fried liver(炒猪肝) stew(炖),例如:stewed pig hoof(炖猪蹄)


在雅思口语Part 1 中,有个topic关于“cooking”,其中一些问题是这么问的:“What cooking experience have you had?” 关于这道问题的回答,光光说自己有煮饭的经历会显得很苍白无力,而要是能向考官具体举出一两道自己的拿手菜名,那真真是极好的。再比如,在当前考察的Part 2话题中,有一个话题为“Describe a meal you invited others to your home or restraint(请客吃饭)”,考生在表达邀请朋友去自家吃饭或者饭店吃饭的时候,也往往需要涉及到自己的拿手菜,或者某个饭店的特色菜。但是,在考虑到菜名翻译的时候,又让许多考生感到头疼,因为中国的文字博大精深,加上中西文化的差异,许多考生担心自己的中式表达不一定能与考官进行有效的交流。


1. 以主料开头的翻译法



例如:杏仁鸡丁的翻译为:chicken cubes with almond 番茄炒鸡蛋的翻译:scrambled egg with tomato

2. 以烹饪方法开头的翻译法


例如:软炸里脊翻译为:soft-fried pork fillet 烤乳猪翻译为:roast suckling pig

当然,用这种方法,我们也可以把番茄炒鸡蛋翻译成另外一个版本,也是笔者多年国外留学经历中见到的最常见的翻译,即“stir fried tomato with eggs”。

3. 以人名或者地名作为开头的翻译法

在我们的家常菜中,有一道菜很受欢迎,即“麻婆豆腐”。如果要套用上述主料翻译法的话,这道菜翻译为:stewed bean curd with minced pork in pepper sauce. 如此长且复杂的翻译肯定让许多考生大为苦恼,不过如果用人名或地名开头翻译法的话,这道菜就变成了简简单单的“Ma Po Toufu”了。

例如:四川水饺可以翻译为:Sichuan boiled dumplings 北京烤鸭可以翻译为:Beijing roast duck


What kinds of food do you particularly like?

Is there any food you don’t like?

What kinds of food are most popular in China? Or, what kinds of food do Chinese people like to eat?

Do you like cooking?

Who usually does the cooking in your home?

Do you prefer to eat at home or in restaurants?

Do you often eat with your family?

Do you think it’s important for people to eat with their family?

Do you often go to restaurants to eat?

What kind of restaurants do you like?

How do you think restaurants have changed over the past few years? Possible Answers:

What kinds of food do you particularly like?

I really like spicy food and hot pot is my favorite.

I am fond of sweet food, such as sweet pies and sweet dishes.

I do fancy western food, such as hamburgers and fried chips.

Is there any food you don’t like?

I don’t like sweet and sour food.

I dislike sweet and sour food.

What kinds of food are most popular in China? Or, what kinds of food do Chinese people like to eat?

We eat rice and noodles almost everyday. These are the staple food popular with Chinese.

Do you like cooking?

I do have much interest in cooking and I always try cooking different dishes for my family whenever I’m free at home.

Who usually does the cooking in your home?

In most of the cases, it is my mother who cook for us. She is a great cook and I learn much from her in terms of cooking.

Do you prefer to eat at home or in restaurants?

It depends, you know. If I have enough free time, I’ll stay home and do the cooking myself and enjoy the homemade dishes. However, when I’m busy, I’d prefer to eat outside to save time. What’s more, there’s no washing up after eating in the restaurant.

Do you often eat with your family?

Yes, usually I have dinner with my parents almost every day coz that’s a special time when the whole family can talk with each other and enjoy the family life together.

Do you think it’s important for people to eat with their family?

Yes, of course. Personally, I do think it is of great importance for the family to have more time staying together and communicating with each other and meal time would be a perfect moment.

Do you often go to restaurants to eat?

Not often, only occasionally when I’m busy or on some special occasions, such as festivals or birthdays.

What kind of restaurants do you like?

I like something traditional, so I prefer to go to traditional Chinese restaurants.

How do you think restaurants have changed over the past few years?

Great changes have taken place these years. Above all, there are an increasing number of restaurants, both Chinese and western ones, in our city now. People can taste all various kinds of food from home and abroad.



范文分析:The girls started tucking into their food but I just ended up playing with mine. I was starving, I could have eaten a horse, but I just picked at mine, mainly eating the rice, which had no flavour to it, and little bites of fish with my glass of water to wash it down. If I'd had my way, we would have gone somewhere else, to a place where I could have stuffed my face. I haven't had Japanese food since and I don't have any intention of trying it again.

高分语料: I was starving, I could have eaten a horse, but I just picked at mine, mainly eating the rice, which had no flavour to it, and little bites of fish with my glass of water to wash it down.

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