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这一题型可以说是所有肠型中最难的.通常在Section 3,4中出现,但是由于题型实在太难.所以在考试中出现的频率也不高。首先读要求,明确限定的字数,浏览镇个图,一般所考的物体郁是考生看到过的,或是知道的,明确是什么东西.细读图中已经标出的部分术语,明确该物体大体有几个部分组成.读所要填的空,明确需要坟的是哪个部分,如果空格前后有词和词组,也就是上下文,可以把它看作信号词,以便在听音过程中,以此为信号,还可以通过上下文推测,所填词的词性,进一步缩小答案的范围。

1. lrt's fill in the top first, let's see, Course, Course code, Communication in Business.
2. We finish at the end of this week, on Friday, so that's July 15th.
3. Please give your comments on the following aspects of the course.
4. 1 think the organization was clear.
5. It was a good thing he gave us the course outline at the beginning, in the first session, that was useful.
6. 1 think we could have done a bit more work at the beginning, I mean at the beginning it seemed dead easy.
7. 1 thought it was going to be really easy and then all of a sudden in the second half of the course we got a whole load of work, reading to do and essays and things.
8. What I thought was really good on this course was the standard of teaching.
9. Actually, I mean some of the teachers were better than others-but the standard generally was fine.
10. 1 didn't think it was all that wonderful when we had great long group discussion sessions that went on for hours and hours.
11. 1 don't mean we shouldn t have group discussions, just that they shouldn t go on too long.
12. 1 thought all the handouts were good actually, and some were great, with website addresses and everything.
13. One problem though with asaterialt was the key texts.
14. There just weren't enough copies on reserve in the library.
15. And if you can't get the key texts before the session, how are you supposed to do the reading?


更多关注:广州环球雅思培训学校 /huanqiu/


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