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1. I asked you to look at the case study for Box Telecom as part of your exam assetnaent.

2. It's interesting because they are in the middle of problem at the moment and I want you to track how they deal with them.

3. Having read through the case study, can you just summaries what the problems were that Box Telecom had to take on bmrd.

4. What first came to their attention was that, despite a new advertising campaign,they were suffering from falling sales and this is something that had many causes.

5. On top of that imtrmedlase problem, what had also happened over the last two years was that, although they had invested in an expansion plan, they had to face up to increased coatpe&foa.

6. Before they had a chance to get to grips with the. effects of that, they were stalled by a strike and it was just when they were thinking about making a colossal Investment in new machinery for their plants.

7. It would be easy m ay they had invested too heavily, or at the wrong time.

8. But in fact the sign were good and what they were am back by was high inhrtrst rates.

9. At the same time, their longer-term problem, which were affecting their market slant, were eventually credited to poor bainhag and having looked at the details in their Iast report I think that's right.

10. Well, obviously they have the choice of accepting the very fsvostrrbk terns that another company-KMG Plc-have given them to buy them out.

11. That would mean creating a new company with a new hawse.

12. They could decide on a bolder move and offer some new shares if they wanted.


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