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雅思part3技巧。雅思口语Part 3在大多数同学心目中都是一道难以跨越的鸿沟,很多同学甚至谈Part 3色变,一提到这个部分,立刻就没了信心,甚至慌乱到不知道如何开口。其实,雅思考官无数次提到Part 3才是决定考生命运的一道关卡!作为整个口语考试的最后一道防线,Part 3在所有考官心目中的份量重于泰山。下面是小编整理的雅思part3技巧,希望能帮到你!


我们都比较清楚,Part 3的题目是根据Part 2的话题发问的,所以如果第二部分考的是a long car journey you went on,那么第三部分可能问到大家的题目可能长成这样:

1. What’s the difference between men and women's preference on cars?

2. What will cars be like in the future?

3. Why do people like to have private cars?

第一题是典型的“比较”类型题,考官经常比较的维度还有“过去跟现在”“年轻人和老人”等。这种雅思口语题目的答法,基本上就是根据常识或者个人经验,给出一个相对合理的答案就OK了。不过一定要注意,可以根据自己或者身边人的经历作为素材组织答案,但在输出的过程中,一定要talk in general,不能说怎么怎么样。至于这道题目,我们只需思考车的几个方面,再对应上男女的喜好,就差不多了。没有所谓的“正确答案”,只要我们的回答符合常理,考官都是可以接受的。而且,要想打高分,答案的长度也得是有的,大家尽量朝着一分钟努力吧!

Sample Answer:

Well, I guess there are quite a few differences between men and women when it comes to getting a car. For starters, men pay more attention to the performance, so it might take them more time to decide which vehicle type and make they are supposed to buy, while women focus more on the appearance and convenience, so they might get themselves a cute compact, which is easy to drive and park. And also, about the color, both genders believe that the choice of color says a lot about themselves, like personality and taste, so traditionally, men prefer dark colors like black or dark blue, you know, to make them more professional and mature, but women, on the contrary, are more into light and bright colors. Oh, and men tend to consider the resale value of a car before they actually make the purchase, but I don’t think many women would do that.

So those are the differences I can think of.

第二题是典型的“in the future”预测未来题型,我们可以在Part 3看到好多这样的题目,例如:How do you think toys will change in the future? What do you imagine people’s houses will be like in the future? What will be the most popular jobs in the future? How do you imagine that art will be taught in the future? Do you think that cities will become noisier in the future? 等等。这种题目大家只需要注意一点,就是“时态”,要让大家预测未来的事情,所以will/be going to这种对未来做prediction的语法没事儿要用上啊!剩下的,大家随便意淫吧,因为未来的事情,谁知道呢,你说啥都是对的!

Sample Answer:

Well, if you ask me, the car of the future may look nothing like a car. I mean, the shape or appearance might differ dramatically from the cars we are driving now. Or maybe, they will become much cooler with even higher performance, just like Batman’s car or transformers. And also, it’s highly possible that self-driving cars will be on the market, so there doesn’t even have to be a steering wheel or pedals, which would definitely be good news for those who don’t know how to drive or have no sense of direction. On top of all that, I’m sure with the rapid development of technology, scientists will be able to come up with an environmentally friendly way to make the car more fuel efficient, you know, cars in the future might be powered by solar energy, water or even air, well, I’m just guessing.

第三题的题型是“why”,让大家解释原因。针对题目,我们需要想出尽可能多的方面来作答。不要求我们想出所有的理由,但是由于答案不能太短,所以只想出一点的话就不太能接受啦!我们还是可以从自己熟悉的领域下手,为什么自己买车,为什么身边的朋友们喜欢乘坐私家车,根据自己的经历,谈谈公共交通的弊端,然后别忘了换个主语,talk in general,基本上就够了。

Sample Answer:

Well, first of all, it’s about the convenience of being able to go where you want, and when you want. I mean, it’s like you are the master of your own schedule, although parking can be tricky sometimes. And they are more helpful when the weather is horrible, ‘cause waiting in the heavy rain or snow for the bus to come is really a nightmare for most people. Um… another good thing about having a private car is that you have a small spot of your own wherever you want it, especially when you are stuck in a traffic jam. Instead of waiting impatiently in a crowded bus or a taxi, you can choose to listen to the music you like in your car. So I guess those are the reasons as to why people prefer to get their own cars.

摸清考官的发问套路和喜好,Part 3就没有那么恐怖啦!各位烤鸭还可以自己总结,并且非常建议大家找小伙伴一起练习,因为毕竟two heads are better than one,集思广益,收获更多哦!


雅思口语part3不可忽视三细节之一:Part 3为何“难”

谈到part 3,多半会听到烤鸭们从牙缝里挤出一个“难”字,而且无论你水平怎样,感受都很相似——感觉考官好似要打破砂锅问到底,每次刚费力回答完一个问题,考官都会从刚刚的答案中找到“漏洞”,然后针对它继续“为难”你,似乎更像是参加了一场辩论赛。其实之所以难,是考官有意而为之。在你较为轻松地通过了Part 1和Part 2之后,考官已经基本了解了你的日常沟通以及描述能力,甚至在心里已经给出了大约的分数,而这最后一步便是通过挑战你的语言极限(linguistic limit or upper limit)来定乾坤了,方法是根据你的水平来使用更为复杂的问题以及话题。而且,因为问题的灵活性和广泛性,背诵答案变得几乎不太可能。这就是为什么不管是得5分还是7分的同学,都会觉得Part 3 “难”的原因了。

所以,如果你感觉“难”并不意味着成绩会低,只是考官想要多挖掘一下你的潜力,努力“抬高”你的分数而已,所以你应该放松心情,不要轻易放弃展示语言能力的机会。同时,这也提醒我们在准备一些常规问题时要未雨绸缪,内容比较好是你能够驾驭的,不要给考官太多抓住漏洞的机会。比如有同学在回答“what will houses be like in the future?”(预测未来类问题),信口开河地回答“I think people will live under the sea.”,接下来考官问了句 “why do you think so?”他只有卡在那里半天没反应。但如果他从现实出发,事先想好“未来人口过多,地面空间拥挤,科技发达”等因素,就不会尴尬了。

雅思口语part3不可忽视三细节之二:How to say it 比What to say更重要

很多人感觉Part 3的好多问题很像雅思写作的Task 2,因为它们比起Part 1和Part 2更学术,抽象,还要随时准备对问题进行评价与预测。所以考生们为了Part 3做的所有的准备就是事先背诵很多ideas来准备回答问题。当然,这无可厚非,因为可以节约考场上的思考时间,避免长时间停顿。但如果仅仅是简单的ideas堆砌在一起,却并不能给你带来高分。因为与口语考试的其他部分一样,Part 3的评分点是你的语言能力而并不只是你的观点和内容。换句话说,只要你没有跑题,你可以发表任何观点,永远没有正确和错误之分。在Part 3,考官最关心的是,你有没有抓住机会展示你能驾驭的高级词汇,语法以及连贯上下文的能力。

Vocabulary:词汇的基本要求当然是准确,因为交流永远是第一位的,所以你完全可以使用比较常用的简单词汇与表达,但是相对于主要谈论personal life的Part 1和Part 2,老师建议考生在Part 3的用词应该稍正式,但是不要照搬雅思大作文里的学术词汇。 比如:bad effects可以用negative impact来代替,consequences比results更能给考官留下好的印象。同时,花点功夫记一些地道的表达是很值得的,例如‘come up against’ difficulties; ‘look forward to’ something in the future。



A. Advantages & Disadvantages (优点和缺点分析)

B. Personal Opinions (表达个人看法)

C. Changes (已经发生的变化和将要发生的变化)

D. Currents Problems & Personal Solutions (目前存在的问题和个人解决办法)

雅思口语考试Part 3和雅思写作Task 2有惊人的相似之处。对于Part 3的准备方法和

雅思写作的大作文也就非常接近了。如果要在Part 3有好的表现,并且得到高分,不仅


中文回答都很难。而且Part 3题目的话题是承接Part 2的。大家通过一个话题的Part 2和

Part 3的例子来看一下Part 3和Part 2的衔接以及Part 3的问题特点,这里给大家的Sample


Describe a holiday you have taken.

You should say:

Where you went.

When you took this holiday.

How you spent your time.

And whether you enjoyed the holiday or not.

Here is a sample answer to this topic.

I always wanted to visit Xinjiang and last summer holiday, I went there with a group of my classmates from university. We travelled to Urumqi by train and stayed there for a week. The most important place we wanted to see was Heaven’s Lake and Tianshan, north east of Urumqi. This lake is amazingly beautiful as it is very large, the water is crystal clear and it is surrounded by pine trees on the hillsides around the lake. You can even see snow-capped mountains reflected in the lake, which makes the sight like a picture. We took lots of photos and when I looked at them I was surprised at the clear blue color of the sky and the water. The other impressive scenery in Xinjiang was the grasslands. I have seen pictures of this in television series, but it felt so special to be there and experience the openness of this country. We stayed with local people in their unique type of house. I’ll always remember how friendly and welcoming they were, and we really enjoyed the local food which they provided. It was a great

holiday which we all enjoyed.


Q: What role does tourism play in a country’s economy?

A: The role that tourism plays varies between countries. Some places rely a lot on tourism, for example I know that Hawaii and Bali in Indonesia are places where a lot of tourists go.

Q: And what about the role that tourism plays in your country?

A: In China, tourism is playing an increasingly significant role in our country’s economy. Since the opening up of China, tourism has been an increasing source of foreign currency for China. Because we have a long history and a lot of traditional cultures, I think that many people in the world are interested in visiting China and learning more about our history and culture. In addition to the historical and cultural places of interest, we have some areas of spectacular natural beauty and many people visit these places also.

Q: And are there some areas in your country where tourism is having a negative effect?

A: I’m not sure, but I imagine so. Now that more people are visiting places like the Great Wall, there is probably damage being done to some of it. Tourists often leave a lot of rubbish, so in another way tourism has a negative effect. I know that the government has very strict rules at Jiu Zhai Gou to minimize the negative impact of tourism on the environment there.

More Questions

How can travellers prepare themselves for travelling in another country?

What do most people do in your country on their holidays?

What places would you recommend tourists from overseas to visit in your country?

Tourism is destroying many of the world’s most beautiful places. Do you agree?

Do you think that travelling overseas on holidays helps people understand other cultures better? How?

Ecotourism should be encouraged because it does not damage the environment. Do you agree?

What is your concept of culture shock and what can we do about it?

Has tourism negatively affected an area in your country?

Will more Chinese people travel overseas more in the future? Why?

Should people travel in their own country before going overseas?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of group tours?



首先第一步我们要了解Part 3, Part 3到底考的是什么,我们都知道part 3 is a two-way discussion last for 4-5minutes. 在这个环节,考官将会问你更抽象,更泛的话题。当然,这些话题都是和第二部分有联系的,For example, in part 2 you have talked abouta teacher who influenced you, in part 3, you may talk about education, forexample, what makes a good teacher, what kind of qualities do you think a goodteacher should have? 我们可以看出来,从主题这个角度来说,第二部分和第三部分是相关的,而与第二部分相比,Abstract是第三部分一个非常典型的特征,在这个部分你所遇到的和前面两个部分是完全不同的,前两个部分讨论的是真实存在的具体事物,你身边的人,物,事,这些东西你很熟悉,everyone in every country have something totalk about, but part 3 more abstract and general. Part 3的另一个典型特征就是two-way discussion, 这就意味着你不需要一个人在那不停的说,你可以和考官交流一下你的思想。这是第三部分的两个特征,也是第三部分的出题特点,话题更广泛,更抽象。


Something expensive you want to buy.

Something you own but you seldom use it.

我们可以很清楚的看到这两题都属于objects, 关于这个题目,我们有很多可以说的,You may choose to talk about your camera,your computer… 但是到了第三部分问题会是什么呢?


What givespeople status in your country?


Excuse me,I’m sorry/afraid I don’t quite understand what you mean.

I’m notsure if I understand you correctly.

Would youplease rephrase your question?


Why do youthink so?/Why don’t you think in the other way?

Can youexplain it?/Can you give me some more details?

Can yougive me some examples to support your opinion?


我们回到刚才的问题,这个问题是很典型的问你的opinion, in part3 the interviewer always askquestions in following ways:

Reason/Contract /Opinion/Predictfuture/Effect /Solution

就Contract /Opinion/Predict future这几个常考的简单分析一下:

关于Opinion, 我们需要尽可能的从自身出发,用到在写作课中学的对观点的一些表达方式。就刚才那个例题而言,首先要知道status是什么意思, status的意思是social condition, social position, what givespeople status in china?

You justneed to tell the interviewer what you think will make people feel that they aresuperior to other people. (What?)

一些考生可能会想到Education, 但是这样的答法是不可取的,因为这是一个很抽象的概念,我们不能用抽象的概念来回答一个抽象的问题,在第三部分的答题中我们要注意一个很重要的原则,就是抽象问题具体化。我们要用具体的东西来答题,比如说:Houses, Cars, jewelry, clothes of famous brand.


Cars aresymbol of status now in china, many people dream of having their own privatecars, and if you have a private car, you may feel superior to your friends;it’s also more convenient for you to go to different places in the city.


Is itsomething new or has it always been like that? / Is it a new development?


I don’tthink cars have always been symbols of status in china. It’s something new inrecent years. A mobile phone used to be a symbol of status 10 years ago.Nowadays, things changed.


Can yougive me more reasons?/Can you give me some specific examples?



Do youthink cars will still be a status in china in ten years time?



I don’tthink cars will still be a status in china in ten years time, but jewelry andclothes of famous brand will still be a status in china, cars will be moregeneral in future, but not so many people own precious jewelry and clothes.


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