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开会越来越占用时间了,甚至有人都说,工作的全部内容就是开会! 下面小编为大家整理的公司开会的英语对话,希望对大家有用!


A:We're meeting today to come up with a solution to cut the budget. We've got two possible solutions to discuss right off the bat. The first one is downsizing with employee layoffs. The second is to cut spending by eliminating existing benefits. What does everyone think about employee layoffs?

B:Well,first of all,how many layoffs are we talking about? The reason I disagree is because if too many people get pink slips,morale and production will go way down

C:Jim has a point there. In order to meet our financial goals,we are talking about laying off as much as 20%of our current workforce.

A:Larry,can you tell me more about why you don't agree?

C:It's not going to do much good to eliminate employees. If we have less people to do the same amount of work,the remaining employees will have to work overtime to finish the work. Our company will have to pay out in overtime fees what it was trying to save in lay offs.

A:Has everybody had a chance to share their thoughts? So do we all agree that the first option isn't going to work for us? Let's take a vote. If you support option one,please raise your hand. Okay. Option two? Looks like Mary you're the only one who agree on the second option. Is there anything we can change about this option to make it more acceptable to you?

D:Well,I think if we were to focus more on cutting excess benefits from senior level employees without disrupting the basic and necessary benefits from lower rung employees,it could be better.








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