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A:Several days have passed,and the distance between us is still great.As a seller,I should say that although the present market is not favorable,I m not worried because it s not a buyer s market yet.You re going home today,and it seems to me today is the last chance.On the other hand,though I wish you could stay for another couple of days,for both our sakes,time is money.So it wouldn t make much sense at all for you to delay your departure.Nevertheless,you really shouldn t go home empty handed.So in order for you to leave in a pleasant mood,I wish we could come to a last minute agreement.What do you think?


B:We re worried and we re in a hurry.Our plane departs this noon.In order to save time,we ve checked out from the hotel and all our luggage is out herein the taxi.Once the contract is signed,we ll head for the airport immediately.In reviewing the process of our negotiation,we have made concessions for six times;yet you have only made one.I can only interpret the way you re doing this as a means to make us go home empty handed.


A:I can understand that.Unfortunately as I said,the difference between us is too big.On the surface,you ve adjusted your price for six times and we ve only one.But in reality,all your six adjustments cannot match with our one time adjustment.And we don t agree the Electronic check payment but the ecash.From the very beginning,I was standing only one yard away from the center dividing line,which is the goal of coming to an agreement between us;and the spot where you were standing was about ten yards away from that line.Just now you said you took six steps to reach the center line between us.True.But even then,you are still four yards away from the line.I ve only taken one step forward,but I m here stepping right on the line;one more step I ll be out of bounds.So if you really want to come to an agreement,please move forward.


B:I agree with what you said.But I do not like what you said about our standing at the tenyard line originally.We were standing at the sixyard line.


A:So you re saying we re together now,and both of us are stepping on the same line,right? In that case,there shouldn t be any more difference between us.But as a matter of fact,we can only look at each other from a distance.Though it s not like the Chinese folk story “the Husband Niulang and the Wife Zhinv”,it s like the boundaries between two countries.Even if you stretch your hand,you can t reach somebody on the other side.

所以您说我们已经在一起了,我们站在同一条线上,对不对? 如果是这样,我们中间就不应该再有分歧了。但是实际了,我们只能从很远的地方看对方。虽然不像中国民间传说中的“牛郎织女”那么远,但也有我们两国距离那么远。即使你伸出手来,也无法够到对方。

B:(reaching out his hand) Well,it s right here.If you respond to it,you ll have reached it.


A:Right.But although we re within reaching distance of each other,the difference in our ideas is beyond this range.It s easier to shake hands than to bridge the gap between our differences.No,I can t make any more moves.I ll wait for you right here.


B:(thinking) Okay.In order for us to catch the plane,let s move forward together.


A:Thanks for your moving two more steps.But I still can t move.


B:(surprised and worried) You still can t move? That makes our situation even more difficult then.No.We have no more room and no choice but to quit and resign.Let me remind you.We don t have too much time left.We ve got to go.We ve already taken two steps forward.

(惊讶地,着急地)您还不能动? 那我们的情况就更糟了。不行。我们没有余地,没有选择,只能放弃了。我想提醒您一下,我们所剩的时间不多了,我们得走了。我们已经前进了两步。

A:I appreciate the steps you ve taken,I do.But the distance is not on my side.And I hope you to continue to move forward.The two steps you ve taken just now are breakthroughs,but not a decisive move.


B:(hesitating before making up his mind;and after a while it looks that he s made up his mind)No.We can t do it.Looks like we ll have to go home empty handed.


A:(in a friendly manner) Please don t be so definite.You ve still got some cards in your pocket;not many,though;I ve seen it.Only one left.


B:(calmed down immediately)Oh,really? You ve seen it? You must be a man with extrasensory perception.You ve seen into my mind.That s really incredible.

(立即镇定下来)噢,真的吗? 您看到了吗? 您一定是一个有超感官知觉的人。您看出了我所想的,真令人难以置信。

A:No,You told me this yourself;I don t have this extrasensory perception at all.So,in order for you to make it before your plane takes off,please take your last card out.


B:(made up his mind and determined) Okay.


A:The contract has been gotten ready and it s right here.Please sign it.


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