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A:What kind of electronic spreadsheet is most commonly used?现在最常用的电子表格软件是哪种?

B:Microsoft EXCEL is the most popular one for the time being.微软的EXCEL是现在比较流行的电子表格软件。

A:What does a spreadsheet come with?电子表都有什么啊?

B:A spreadsheet consists of rows and columns.Rows are represented by numbers 1,2,3...to 65536;while columns are represented by letter and letters A Z,AA ZZ,BA BZ...to IA IZ.电子表格由行和列组成。行分别用数字1、2、3……至65536表示。列由字母A至Z、AA至AZ、BA至BZ……直到IA至IZ表示。

A:Let me see.Wow,there are totally 65536rows and 256columns in a single spreadsheet.让我想想。哇,一份表格里有65536行、256列。


A:I bet even a full computer screen won t be able to show a complete spreadsheet.我想整个计算机屏幕也显示不了一份完整的电子表格。

B:No.However,users can use the vertical rolling strip and the horizontal rolling strip to view any part of a spreadsheet.显示不了。不过用户可以用垂直和水平滚动条来查看电子表格中的任何部分。

A:How can users find these strips?用户怎么才能找到这些滚动条啊?

B:They are located at the right and bottom of a worksheet respectively.滚动条分别位于每份工作表的右边和底部。

A:Well,a new word“worksheet”just popped up.Is it still a spreadsheet?怎么说呢,这儿又蹦出来一个新词儿——工作表,工作表还是电子表格吗?

B:It sure is,but a spreadsheet refers to the whole program,while a worksheet refers to the working area framed by the letters and numbers.See what I mean?当然是。但电子表格指整个程序,工作表是由字母和数字框起来的工作区,听得懂吗?

A:I can dig it.听得懂。

B:The intersection of each row and column in a worksheet is called a “cell”.A cell can be selected by a single click.工作表内每行和每列的交叉区域称为“单元格”。单击鼠标就能选定一个单元格。

A:I am with you.How do we name a cell then?我能跟得上你说的。我们怎么给单元格命名啊?

B:Each cell can be represented by a row number and a column letter.F6,for example,stands for Column F and Row 6.每个单元格由一个行数字和一个列字母表示。比如单元格F6表示第F列、第6行。

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