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Jerry:Hi,Mary!I haven’t seen you for ages.How are you doing?

Mary:Not too bad,thanks.How about you?

Jerry:I’m doing great.And how’s your brother Teddy?

Mary:Oh,he has been pretty busy.He is working on his final exam.

Jerry:Just relax and good luck to him!

Mary:Thank you.

Andy:Hey,Jerry.Fancy meeting you here.

Jerry:Hi,Andy!I’m glad I ran into you.How’s everything?

Andy:The same as ever.

Jerry:Oh,by the way,I would like you to know my friend Mary.Mary,this is my buddy Andy.

Andy:Nice to meet you,Mary.

Mary:Nice to meet you too,Andy.

Andy:You are looking good.

Mary:Thank you for saying so.In fact,I’ve heard a great deal about you.Your thesis is superb!

Andy:You flatter me.So are you and Jerry in the same class?

Mary:No,we aren’t.But we’re on the same debate team.

Andy:Oh,I see.Well,it’s getting late,and I have to go now.Pleased to make your acquaintance.

Mary:The pleasure is all of mine.Pleased to make your acquaintance.=I’m pleased to make your acquaintance.

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