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A:Now,it’s 9:30.We arrive at airport just on time.

B:OK.I think I have to buy the departure tax.

A:Let me do it for you.……

A:Here is the receipt of the airport fee.

B:Thank you very much for all you help.You are really very helpful and thoughtful.I believe your boss is very lucky to have your assistance.

A:Thank you.It’s very kind of you to say so.I’m really happy for having worked with you for these days.

B:Thank you very much.I have to say goodbye now.But before that,I’d like to say that it has been a very pleasant and productive trip for me.I think our cooperation will be a very successful one.

A:Glad to hear that.And you have been very helpful and supportive in many ways.

B:Your company has left me a very good impression,and I am deeply moved by your hospitality.

A:Thank you very much,Mr.Band.You are playing a very important part in the cooperation.We hope we can hear from you soon.……

A:Wish you a safe and pleasant journey home.I really hope to see you again someday and we are looking forward to hearing from you.Have a nice journey.

B:Thank you again.Bye-bye.

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