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Zhang:Good afternoon,Sir.

HR Manager:Good afternoon,Mr.Zhang.Please take a seat.

Zhang:Thank you,Sir.

HR Manager:I’ve already read your résumé.Well,why do you choose our company?

Zhang:Your company is quite promising,and I’m interested in your training program.

HR Manager:Can you describe your personality to me?

Zhang:Well,I’m quite organized and a fast-learner.

HR Manager:Would you say what your weaknesses are?

Zhang:I’m afraid I’m not a good speaker in public.

HR Manager:If you are employed,how will you benefit the company?

Zhang:I’m pretty sure that my excellent knowledge and rich experiences will prove my value.

HR Manager:You are very confident.I appreciate that.The starting salary is 3,000 yuan.What else would you want to know?

Zhang:Oh,yes.Do you have medical insurance and endowment insurance?

HR Manager:Yes,of course.

Zhang:How about allowances for meals and transportation?

HR Manager:Only for transportation.About lunch,you can eat in our staff canteen which is free.Is there anything else you want to know?

Zhang:No,thank you.

HR Manager:OK,please wait for our call.Nice meeting you.

Zhang:Nice meeting you,too.

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