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A: Hi,Daniel,have you heard that George,our monitor,has bought a house?

A: 嘿,丹尼尔,你听说没有,我们班长乔治买了个房子?

B: Oh,really? How did he pay for it?

B: 真的吗?他怎么付的款?

A: He took out a mortgage loan.His parents paid for the down payment.He and his girlfriend will pay the monthly payments to the bank.

A: 他按揭贷款买的房。他父母给付的首付,他和他女朋友每月给银行交月供。

B: Well,I think it's the wise thing to do right now.The real estate market is going down,so the price is dropping and the mortgage rates are low.


A: But even though the price has dropped,it's still obscenely high.

A: 可是尽管房价降了些但还是出奇得高。


A: Our lease runs out in a month.We should start looking for a new place soon,or we can renew the lease for another six months.What do you think?

A: 我们的租期再有一个月就到期了。我们得赶紧开始找新的地方住,或者我们可以将租约再延长六个月。你觉得怎么样?

B: I don't know.Maybe we should just renew the lease.I really don't want to go through all this again.

B: 我不知道。也许我们就把合同再延长一下就好,我真的不想把从找房到租房这事儿从头到尾再来一遍。

A:Yeah,I know,it's tedious.

A: 是啊。我知道,这太麻烦了。

B: I guess so.But do you really want to move to a new place?

B: 也许吧,但你真想搬到新的地方住吗?

A: That's true.

A: 没错。

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