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A: Have a pleasant trip home, Sam!

A: 旅途愉快,萨姆!

B: Thank you very much. I really had a good time here. I am grateful for your help these days.

B: 谢谢你。我在这过的很开心。非常感激你这些天来的帮助。

A: That is my pleasure. I really enjoyed myself with you.

A: 这是我乐意的,和你在一起很开心。

B: Well, I really must be going now. Thank you for all the help again. I will miss you.

B: 哦,我必须要走了。再次感谢你的帮助。我会思念你的。

A: If you re ever in Beijing, look me up. I d love you to come to my house again.

A: 如果你再来北京,过来找我。我愿意你再住在我家。

B: Of course, I will. You can count on that. Well, good bye. Don t forget to bring my best wishes to Susan. I hope she will be well soon.

B: 当然,我会的。你等着吧。好,再见了。别忘了给苏珊稍上我的祝福,我希望她快些好起来。

A: I won t. Bye. Take care.

A: 不会忘的。再见,保重。

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