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A: Can I help you, sir?

A: 有什么要帮忙的吗,先生?

B: Yes. May I make an appointment for sometime early this morning?

B: 我能安排一个今天上午早些时候的预约吗?

A: I m sorry. All the appointments are filled.

A: 很抱歉,所有的预约时间都已经排满了。

B: Oh, what a pity! I d like to see the doctor as soon as possible. I have a serious headache.

B: 啊,太可惜了。我希望能尽早看医生。我的头疼得很厉害。

A: Let me see...perhaps I could fit you at 11∶30.

A: 让我看看。……可能我可以安排你在11点半。

B: 11∶30?I have an appointment at 12∶00.

B: 11点半?我在12点有个约会。

A: What about this afternoon, then?

A: 那今天下午怎么样?

B: No, I can t wait. The appointment has to be canceled.

B: 不,我已经不能等了。约会取消吧。

A: I guess it can t be helped.

A: 恐怕也没有别的办法了。

B: You re right. Did you say 11∶30?I make a note of it.

B: 你说得对。你是说是 11点半?我记一下。

A: All right, then. See you later.

A: 好吧,那待会儿见。

B: How kind of you!Goodbye.

B: 你真是太好了!再见。

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