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A: Hello.This is Diana. I d like to buy a new tent.Could you offer me a few types? I d like to choose one.

A: 你好,我是戴安娜。我想买个新帐篷。你能给我提供几种吗?我想从中挑选一个。

B: Oh,Madam,buy tent?

B: 哦,夫人,买帐篷?

A: Yes, a new tent for four people because I have two children. Besides, I want a new one rather than secondhand.

A: 是的,一顶四个人用的帐篷。因为我还有两个孩子。另外我要新的不要二手的。

B: Oh,oh,Madam. I m afraid you have dialed the wrong number.

B: 哦,哦,夫人。恐怕你拨错电话了。

A: Isn t it the store?

A: 这不是商店吗?

B: No.It s Martin s Hotel.

B: 不是,这是马丁宾馆。

A: Oh,I am so sorry! But, do you happen to know the number for David s sports store?

A: 哦,实在对不起!不过,你是否知道戴维体育用品商店的号码?

B: No, why don t you look in the phone book?

B: 不知道。为什么不去查电话簿?

A: OK, I m sorry to have bothered you.

A: 好的,很抱歉打扰了你。

B: Not at all.

B: 没关系。

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