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A: May I have the sample?

A: 我可以有样品吗?

B: Yes, but please pay the sample charge as the cost is very high.

B: 可以,但是请付样品费,因为成本较高。

A: How much is the sample charge?

A: 样品费多少?

B: Please add 20% to the price because we have to pay the tax fort.

B: 单价加两成,因为我们须付税金。

A: Do you accept traveler s check?

A: 你们接受旅行支票吗?

B: Of course.

B: 当然。

A: Here is the sample charge. Can you send the sample to my hotel?

A: 这是样品费。可否帮我将样品送到饭店?

B: No problem. Please tell us your hotel s name and room number.

B: 没问题,请告知您的饭店名称及房号。

A: Hilton Hotel. Room number is 1453.

A: 希尔顿饭店,1453号房。

B: We ll send the sample to your hotel this afternoon and hope to do business with you soon.

B: 我们今天下午就送去,希望很快能和贵公司做生意。

A: We ll confirm our order upon sample approval.

A: 样品确认后,我们会很快确认我方的订单。

B: Thank you for your visit and glad meeting you. Have a good stay!

B: 谢谢光临,很高兴能认识您,祝您参观愉快!

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