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A factory tour involves organised visits to factories to see things being manufactured and processes at work. Breweries and distilleries, together with manufacturers of clothes, pottery and glass, are amongst the most popular factory visits. As wet weather attractions, usually in urban tourism centres, facilities can include food service, interpretative displays and shops where first quality goods and “seconds” are sold.

The intention is to ensure that whilst seeing the production processes of the factories and getting to know industrial culture, the visitors can also safely enjoy a sense of recreation. In addition, the factories that were originally closed to the public are now able to embrace the public, so that people in turn can discover the vitality of the traditional manufacturing industry through systematically knowing the industry, reading culture and visiting the production process. Furthermore, through experiencing the merchandise, a positive circle of consumption is created, thereby stimulating revitalization of local economy and the cluster effect. These manufacturing companies that offer these factory tours think of it as public relations. Most factory tours have a definite daily schedule, while some require an appointment(especially for large groups). At the conclusion of a factory tour, the company even gives away samples of their products.

Steinway Pianos, New York

Musicians will like nothing better than to see how some of the world’s finest pianos are manufactured. Even non-music lovers will appreciate the craft, attention to detail, and innovation brought together to produce these works of craft-and art.

At Steinway, much of the work is done by hand by artisans who trained under master craftsmen for years before being entrusted with the key tasks they now take on daily.

The tour:It takes about two-and-a-half hours and highlights most every aspect of piano making. You may see:how the inner and outer piano rims are bent into the shape and how the heavy cast-iron plate that withstands many pounds of string pressure is fitted into the piano rim. One highlight is the “Pounder Room,” where a machine mercilessly bangs all 88 piano keys simultaneously, 10,000 times, to reveal any possible flaws.

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