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A: Where did you fly from?你是从哪里来的?

T: From China.中国。

A: May I have your passport, please?我可以看你的护照吗?

T: Sure.当然。

A: What is the purpose of your visit?你来的目的是什么吗?

T: I'm visiting my relatives.我来看亲戚。

A: How long are you planning to stay?你打算在这儿待多久?

T: Two weeks.两周。

A: Where are you staying during your visit?这段时间你住在哪里?

T: I'll be staying at my cousin's.我会住在表姐家。

A: Do you have any plant or animal products?你有没有带动植物产品呢?

T: I have a few apples with me.我带了一些苹果。

A: You can't bring in apples. Take your apples to quarantine and leave them there.你不可以带这些苹果入境的。请拿去检疫所,然后把它们留在那里。

T: They are just special fruits in my hometown. I want to take them to my cousins.这些只是我们那里的特产水果,我想带给表姐。

A: Sorry. Fruits are not allowed in.对不起,水果不能入境。

T: Alright.好吧。

A: Anything else?还有其他的东西吗?

T: No, just personal articles.没有了,只有个人物品。

A: Then you can go now.那么你可以出关了。

T: Thank you.谢谢。

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