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A: Can I help you, sir?有什么可以帮助您的吗,先生?

T: I can't find my baggage at the baggage claim area, and someone told me that perhaps I could find it in this place. So I come to have a try...我在行李提取处找不到我的行李了,有人告诉我可能在这儿能找到,所以我过来看一下……

A: OK, take a seat, please, sir. First of all, can you show me your ID and passport, please?好的,先请坐,先生。首先,您能先给我看一下您的身份证和护照吗?

T: Sure. Here you are.当然,给您。

A: OK, could you please tell me what your backpack looks like?好的,请告诉我您的背包是什么样子的?

T: Of course, it's a hard leather one. I'm coming to the US for business and I took some files in that bag so that those files would not be damaged.当然,它是一个硬皮的包,因为我到美国来出公差,在那个包里装了一些文件,以免文件遭到损坏。

A: Mmm…is it zip closed?那它是有拉链的吗?

T: Yes, it is.是的。

A: OK, can you tell me the distinguishing features of this backpack?好的,那么您的背包有什么明显的特征吗?

T: Oh, yeah, the brand name.噢,对,它是名牌。

A: So what's it, sir?是什么牌子呢,先生?

T: Oh, it's a LV. It has the logo in the front.是LV的,在包前面有商标标识。

A: OK, can you name the items in it?那么您能说出包里都有什么物品吗?

T: Well, just as I said, some files in a folder and a pen.是的,就像我说的,有一些文件放在文件夹里,还有一支笔。

A: OK, sir, I'm sure it's your bag. Thank you for your cooperation. You can have it now. Here are your ID and passport, keep it safe.好的,先生。我确信这是您的包。谢谢您的合作。您现在可以拿走了。这是您的身份证和护照请拿好。

T: Thank you so much. You guys are really of help.谢谢。你们帮了大忙了。

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