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A: Can I help you, sir?有什么需要帮忙吗,先生?

T: Yes, I don't know where to collect my bag-gage.是的,我不知道去哪里取行李。

A: Your checked baggage?您托运的行李吗?

T: Yes, two checked bags.是的,我托运了两个包。

A: Which flight are you taking?您乘坐的是哪趟航班?

T: It's the flight CA 20 from Beijing, arriving at 10 this morning.是中国航空航班CA20号航班,来自北京,今天早上10点到达。

A: I see, the baggage claim area is beside the waiting lounge. Please go there and look for the conveyer for flight CA 20.我知道了,行李提取处就在候机厅旁边,请到那里去然后寻找CA20航班的行李转盘。

T: How can I find the conveyer for flight CA 20?怎么才能找到我航班的行李转盘呢?

A: The screen will show the number of the conveyer of every flight. So just look for the number of conveyer according to your flight number.屏幕上会显示每趟航班的转盘号码,所以只要根据您的航班号寻找行李转盘就可以了。

T: Oh, I see. How long shall I wait to collect my luggage?哦,我知道了。我要等多久才能拿到行李呢?

A: It depends. If there is not much luggage, you could collect yours very soon. But if there is a lot of luggage, I mean all the luggage of the flights just arrive, maybe you need to wait for a while. But relax, you are sure to find your luggage.这不一定,如果没有很多行李的话,可能您会很早就拿到,但是如果有很多行李,我是指刚到达的所有航班的行李,那么您可能要等一会儿。但是,您不用着急,肯定会找到您的行李的。

T: Alright. I'm going to a meeting, so I'm afraid I will be late.好吧,因为我要去开一个会,所以担心我会迟到。

A: When does your meeting begin?您的会什么时候开始呢?

T: At 4:00.四点钟。

A: It's 2:30 now. I'm sure that you can get your luggage in half an hour. And the airport shuttle bus is very fast. So you will not be late if it's not very far.现在是两点半,我保证您在半小时内可以拿到行李,而且机场大巴速度很快,如果地方不是太远的话,您是不会迟到的。

T: Wow, that's great. Thank you so much. Now I'm relaxed.哇,那太好了。太谢谢你了,这样我就放松了。

A: You are welcome. Have a good day.不客气,祝您心情愉快。

T: You, too.你也是。

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