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A: Hello. Can I see your passport and visa, please?您好。请出示您的护照和签证。

T: Here you are.给您。

A: Do you have anything to declare?您有什么需要申报的吗?

T: I didn't bring many things, and I have no idea what I need to declare.我带的东西不多,而且我不知道哪些是需要申报的。

A: Things like cigars, valuable electronic pro-ducts, or a lot of cash.像是雪茄、贵重电子产品或是大量的现金。

T: Well, I have a laptop. Does that need to be declared?我带了一个笔记本电脑。这需要申报吗?

A: What is it used for?它用来干什么的?

T: It's a present for my friend in NewYork.是给纽约的朋友买的礼物。

A: It's brand new?是全新的吗?

T: Sure.当然。

A: Then I'm afraid it needs to be declared.那么恐怕需要申报。

T: Fine.好吧。

A: I'm afraid I'll have to check this suitcase.恐怕我还得查看一下这个箱子。

T: Just my camera and personal things.只有我的相机和私人物品。

A: OK. I see.嗯,我看过了。

T: Am I allowed to bring in the fruit?我可以带些水果吗?

A: Sorry, perishables are not allowed.对不起,易腐物品是禁止入关的。

T: I see.我知道了。

A: Are you here for business or leisure?您到这儿来是为了商务还是消遣?

T: For leisure.消遣。

A: You are through now. Have a good stay in New York.您可以通关了。希望您在纽约过得愉快。

T: Thank you.谢谢。

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