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In my experience, in life and in business, in dealing with education and working with government leaders, there are actually lots of really smart people out there. What distinguishes those who are truly leaders, those who really contribute in government, in medicine, in education, in business, in the arts, is passion and enthusiasm.

You see, being successful in any field, is hard work. Being successful requires not only that you learn everything you can about your chosen field, but also that you apply your knowledge with a passion and enthusiasm that affects others, and engages them as well.

In today's highly collaborative workplace, few great things are accomplished by individuals alone. Just like in college basketball, you need great teams, and you need people who can inspire those teams, and lead those teams, to greater heights.

Enthusiasm is contagious. Your goal should be to start the epidemic. But, I should tell you, that even with knowledge, passion, and contagious enthusiasm, you are going to face some tough challenges in some tough days.

A year and a half ago, some of the so-called "experts" were claiming that General Motors was headed for bankruptcy, and I ought to be fired. Those were some tough days for me. Even great institutions like mine, and now your alma mater, Duke University, encounter challenging times, like over the last year.

But the real successful people, the real contributor, the really great institutions, like Duke University and General Motors, have another important characteristic, which is persistence and resilience. No matter how great the challenge is, no matter how dark the future seems, the best people, the really successful people, simply do not give up.






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