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While many young men choose to be NEET (Not currently engaged in Education,Employment or Training), as the cartoon above illustrates, it is still crucial for us to earn selfindependence. One reason is that doing so can improve our efficiency and productivity.In our everyday life, there will always be occasions when we are unable to obtain outside assistance and have to depend on our own knowledge and skills to solve problems. Under these circumstances, those who trust their own abilities and judgment will find creative solutions,enabling them to be more productive and successful. In addition to fostering greater efficiency in our daily life, self-dependence can also help make life more meaningful. Since self-reliant individuals possess confidence i their own abilities, they also tend to be more willing to try new things. This kind of do-it-yourself mindset can yield a sense of satisfaction and pride,and add excitement to an otherwise mundane life.

In the final analysis, I maintain that it is imperative for young people to depend on themselves. Since self-reliance can boost our efficiency and add meaning to our lives, it is a desirable trait to possess for youngsters.




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