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S: How do you like it ?您觉得这辆怎么样?

C: It loods great. Is there any way I can test-drive it?看起来很棒,我可以试车吗?

S: Sure. If you'll just wait here ofr a moment, I'll just tell my boss and get the deys. 当然可以如果您愿意在这里稍微等一会儿,我就去告诉老板并将车钥匙拿来。

C: Thank you.谢谢。电脑处理。(later in the car)(稍后在车里)

C: I like it very much. It's really very smooth and responsive.我非常喜欢,的确非常平稳又灵敏。

S: You'll find in your dashboard that everything has been comprterized. t can go on driving artomatically, too. Oh,watch that curve.您可以从仪器表上发现生一样东西睹经过电脑处理,还可以自动驾驶。噢,小心那弯路!

C: Oh,yes. How about the mileage? How far will it go?喔,好的。关于哩数方面呢?它能听多远?

S: It can run up to a hundred kilometers per gallon.一加仑汽油可以跑一百公里。

C: It is fuel-efficlent.很省油的。



S: We can put in a stereo system also if you want.如果您要的话,我们也可以装上立体音响设备。

C: Yeah. Have yousold a lot of these yet?嗯,你们已经卖了很多部吗?

S: There seems to be a lot of people who are interested we've sold at least ten this month.似乎有很多人感兴趣,这个月我们已经卖了至少十部。

C: Do I get a rebate,if I buy now?如果我现在买,会打折扣吗?

S: Yes That's around four to five thousand.会,差不多四千至五千元。



S: Good afternoon,ladies. Can I help you?午安,女士们,我能为您们服务吗?

C: Yes,do you have this model in another color, lide lipstick red?好啊,这各型号有的颜色,像是唇膏的红色?

S: Yes.有。

C: How about a sunshade on top of the roof?Can you install it?车顶上的遮最棚呢?可不可以安装呢?

S: Yes,but there is an additional charge.可以,但要额外的费用。

C: The styling seems to my liking and I like the interior but I guess I'll have to add a few aseat covers这样试似乎蛮合我的意。我喜欢内部装设,但我想必须添一些椅套。



S: If you buy now, I can throw in a few gallons of gasoline, just to get you started.如果您现在买,我还可以额外赠送几加仑汽油,好让你们能开动。

C: How much is it?价格多少?

S: Three hundred thousand.三十万元。

C: Wow. You're giving me a shock!You mean three hundred thousand for that tiny car?喔。你吓了我一跳!你是说那部小车要三十万元吗?

S: Alright, if you promise to buy now, I can give you ten percent off.是的,如果您答应现在买,我可以给您打九折。

C: Let me descuss it with my sister first,O. K?让我先和我妹妹商谈一下,好吗?

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