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雅思口语易错的基础语法有哪些呢——时态,there be句型与have/has混杂使用,形容词比较级与比较高级,形容词ing与ed的区别,动词短语忽略成分,情态动词后不加动词原形等,这些都是基础语法的范畴,也是考生比较容易出错的地方。所以考生需要对此进行了解。下面我们来分别看看这些语法的注意点:

1. 时态错误可以算语法错误中较低级而又最不易发现的两种了。它的低级是因为时态是所有考生在笔头上都已掌握的很好;但一转到口头上,就很难保持了。所以考生需要特别注意时态的转换在雅思口语表达时,切记乱用,精明的考官一听便知。

2. There be句型与have/has混杂使用。there be句型是很多考生容易出错的,经常在一个句子中会出现2个谓语动词,而且尤其喜欢和have/has混着使用。所以考生在谓语动词的把握上十分注意,切记这里已经有be动词了。

3. 形容词比较级与比较高级。这个语法点考生需要注意比较级和比较高级的变化规则,以及比较高级前一般会加the的用法,这是很多考生会漏掉的。

4. 形容词ing与ed的区别。这里组形容词的区别很微妙,考生很容易混淆,不过可以通过例子总结用法和规则。

5. 动词短语忽略成分。有些动词短语的搭配是固定的,只有把短语完整的说全的情况下才可以接之后的名词,但许多考生很容易忽视这一点。所以我们要在练习中尽可能的回忆当时学校课堂上所交的那些口诀,来确保每一个说出的动词短语不会遗忘任何成分。

6. 情态动词后不加动词原形。有的考生会因为过度重视时态问题,如一味的想着整个作答都要基于某种时态而忽略情态动词后要加动词原形这一原则。所以考生需要多加注意。










1. Wrong: “listen music”

Right: “listen to music”

2. Wrong: “she give me a doll”

Right: ”she gave me a doll”

3. Wrong: “I’m fromSichuan Chengdu”

Right: “I’m from Chengdu (city), in Sichuan Province”.

4. Wrong: “The place located in…”

Right: “The place is located in…”

5. Wrong: “it become more expensive”

Right:” It has become more expensive” or “it is becoming more expensive”

6. Wrong: “TV grams”

Right: “TV programs”

7. Wrong: “lots of beauty sightseeings”

Right: “lots of beautiful sights” or “lots of wonderful scenery”

8. Wrong: “play computer”

Right: ”play computer games” or “play on the computer”

9. Wrong: “the most cheapest”

Right: ”the cheapest”

10. Wrong: “more cheaper than”

Right: ”cheaper than”

11. Wrong: “it will more expensive”

Right: ”it will be more expensive” or “it will become more expensive”

12. Wrong: “in rainy days”

Right: ”on rainy days”

13. Wrong: “my father think…”

Right: ”my father thinks”

14. Wrong: “I’m a person who like to…”

Right: ”I’m a person who likes to…”

15. Wrong: “we are intelligent than computers”

Right: ”we are more intelligent than computers”

16. Wrong: “I like go shopping”

Right: ”I like going shopping”

17. Wrong: “I like take photo”

Right: ”I like taking photos”

18. Wrong: “it’s last year”

Right: “it was last year”

19. Wrong: “when I’m in primary school”

Right: ”when I was in primary school”

20. Wrong: “let their children to go out”

Right: ”let their children go out”

21. Wrong: “the first thing comes to mind is…”

Right: ”the first thing that comes to mind is…”

22. Wrong: “such like”

Right: ”such as” or “like”

23. Wrong: “I often talk to my neighbourhoods”

Right: ”I often talk to my neighbours”

24. Wrong: “in the past time”

Right: “in the past”

25. Wrong: “in the past, clothes are very cheap”

Right: ”in the past, clothes used to be very cheap”

26. Wrong: “I like there”

Right: ”I like it there”

27. Wrong: “teached me”

Right: ”taught me”

28. Wrong: “you will success”

Right: ”you will succeed”

29. Wrong: “I went to the Beijing”

Right: ”I went to Beijing”

30. Wrong: “go to abroad”

Right: "go abroad”



在语法中,当形容词变为了比较词和比较高级的时候,就会有很多考生在作答时很容易忽略形容词是否是规则变化的,因为只有在三个音节以上的形容词才使需要我们去加more或the most,而其他的其实都是可直接加er或者去y变ier的规则变化,所有的考生都必须要牢牢的记住这一点。






1. Wrong: “listen music” Right: “listen to music”

2. Wrong: “she give me a doll” Right: ”she gave me a doll”

3. Wrong: “I’m from Zhejiang Wenzhou”, Right: “I’m from Wenzhou (city), in Zhejiang Province”.

4. Wrong: “The place located in…” Right: “The place is located in…”

5. Wrong: “it become more expensive” Right” It has become more expensive” or “it is becoming more expensive”

6. Wrong: “TV grams” Right: “TV programs”

7. Wrong: “lots of beauty sightseeings” Right: “lots of beautiful sights” or “lots of wonderful scenery”

8. Wrong: “play computer” Right: ”play computer games” or “play on the computer”

9. Wrong: “the most cheapest” Right: ”the cheapest”

10. Wrong: “more cheaper than” Right: ”cheaper than”

11. Wrong: “it will more expensive” Right: ”it will be more expensive” or “it will become more expensive”

12. Wrong: “in rainy days” Right: ”on rainy days”

13. Wrong: “my father think…” Right: ”my father thinks”

14. Wrong: “I’m a person who like to…” Right: ”I’m a person who likes to…”

15. Wrong: “we are intelligent than computers” Right: ”we are more intelligent than computers”

16. Wrong: “I like go shopping” Right: ”I like going shopping”

17. Wrong: “I like take photo” Right: ”I like taking photos”

18. Wrong: “it’s last year” Right: “it was last year”

19. Wrong: “when I’m in primary school” Right: ”when I was in primary school”

20. Wrong: “let their children to go out” Right: ”let their children go out”

21. Wrong: “the first thing comes to mind is…” Right: ”the first thing that comes to mind is…”

22. Wrong: “such like” Right: ”such as” or “like”

23. Wrong: “I often talk to my neighbourhoods” Right: ”I often talk to my neighbours”

24. Wrong: “in the past time” Right: “in the past”

25. Wrong: “in the past, clothes are very cheap” Right: ”in the past, clothes used to be very cheap”

26. Wrong: “I like there” Right: ”I like it there”

27. Wrong: “teached me” Right: ”taught me”

28. Wrong: “you will success” Right: ”you will succeed”

29. Wrong: “I went to the Beijing” Right: ”I went to Beijing”

30. Wrong: “go to abroad” Right: ”go abroad”

31. Wrong: “a people I met” Right: ”a person I met” or “someone I met”

32. Wrong: “other countries people” Right: ”people from other countries” or “people from around the world”

33. Wrong: “it’s depend” Right: ”it depends”

34. Wrong: “I will watching” Right: ”I will watch”

35. Wrong: “at that day” Right: ”on that day”

36. Wrong: “drive a bicycle” Right: ”ride a bicycle” or “cycle”

37. Wrong: “my home is just have one bedroom” Right: ”my home just has one bedroom”

38. Wrong: “not very much museums” Right: ”not very many museums”

39. Wrong: “many food” Right: ”a lot of food”

40. Wrong: “we chatted very happy” Right: ”we chatted very happily”

41. Wrong: “some moneys” Right: ”some money”

42. Wrong: “they are easy to forget things” Right: ”they easily forget things”

43. Wrong: “cars product exhaust” Right: ”cars produce exhaust” or “cars emit exhaust”

44. Wrong: “museum is important” Right: ”museums are important”

45. Wrong: “cars is much convenient than…” Right: ”cars are much more convenient than…”

46. Wrong: “in nowadays” Right: ”nowadays”

47. Wrong: “ I have never drive a car” Right: ”I’ve never driven a car”

48. Wrong: “I study here is about 4 years” Right: ”I’ve studied here for about 4 years”

49. Wrong: “people is” Right: ”people are”

50. Wrong: “she hope me to be a…” Right: ”she hopes I will become a…”

以上都是中国烤鸭爱犯的口语错误, 避免的它们, 考官就会认为你的语法表达还是挺扎实的。

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